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Song of Iron - GREAT-looking side-scrolling Viking-theme adventure/fighter

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12 hours ago, Bacon said:

Meh, looks fine. If it was part of that shit, Summer of XBLA or whatever it was called, I prolly would have picked it up in 2009. 

You have a low bar for fine.  I would normally be interested in this type of game - but that looks garbage.  There is no way to tell what is foreground/background or on the same plane as your character.  When he was shooting arrows at bad guys it flew right by guys I thought it was going to hit.  Late in the second video he pushes a door to get to a new area - then he comes up to a pillar and I was thinking he was going to push it over - nope walks by it, then he gets stopped by a box that I thought was background art.

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