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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. We need a truth and reconciliation commission and criminal prosecutions at absolute minimum for this administration. Their deliberate actions have lead to tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
  2. Michigan legislature (republican) refusing to change the law to allow the (democratic) secretary of state from counting ballots submitted early as well
  3. Surprised he's not wearing a Hawaiian shirt he's talking like a boog
  4. This isn't a real concern. AZ, MI, WI, MN, ME, NH, and NC have either a democratic SoS or Board of Elections. As far as I can tell, GA, TX, OH, IA, FL, and NV are republicans, with WA and OR as republicans as well. OR and WA won't be close, and already do universal vote by mail, and if anything is close enough I doubt these Dem swing state SoS's will bow to trumps demands and not certify the election results, and their states would be enough for Biden to win
  5. Ive always thought, and still think, the biggest issue will be trumps stormroopers going to majority black neighborhoods and polling places in swing states to terrorize and intimidate enforce the voting rights act, but as an added bonus now fucking with the goddamn mail (selectively fucked with mind you) to hurt absentee voting in these same neighborhoods
  6. Their behavior isn't anything new though. They've been at this for years. They just don't like their crimes being put on blast. Its like other cops crying about bad PR when their behavior as an org hasn't changed in years.
  7. Their behavior isn't anything new though. They've been at this for years. They just don't like their crimes being put on blast. Its like other cops crying about bad PR when their behavior as an org hasn't changed in years.
  8. However did we enforce immigration laws before ICE, the world may never know
  9. Ending slavery and giving rights to Black Americans were unforgivable sins in the eyes of conservatives
  10. Talking about post reconstruction presidents. Buchanan and Johnson (Andrew, not Lyndon Baines) are also terrible, but we can see the reach of their failures. The legacy of Reagan lives on today, and I consider major problems now a bigger issue than historical because we don't know exactly where this crazy train is going (and, you know, I live in this reality)
  11. The only thing keeping him from being as bad as Reagan or GWB is body count and time in office. But he's working on that! Though no one will be able to top Reagan
  12. He's on record saying absentee voting is fine just change your fucking messaging jfc Real glad he doesn't have the authority to change election dates
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