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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. North carolinian democrats and extramarital affairs name a more iconic duo
  2. Palm oil production is destroying indonesian and Malay rainforests causing massive releases of carbon http://www.ucsusa.org//themes/custom/ucstheme/assets/favicon.ico Palm Oil WWW.UCSUSA.ORG Found in everything from shampoo to donuts, palm oil is now the most common vegetable oil in the world—and also one of the world's leading deforestation drivers. Palm oil is great for it's shelf life for packaged foods
  3. Tired: confirm ACB ASAP to cement minority conservative rule for decades Wired: pack the courts to undo the conservative minority rule Inspired: covid does the hard work and a President Biden nominates enough justices for a 7-2 liberal majority
  4. Dems will make it happen because they don't actually want to have this constitutional crisis right after the death of a president,even trump. This is crazier than the nonsense I post
  5. Mitch literally would not allow a vacant VP position to happen to allow a president pelosi
  6. You better believe that should trump die there would be a republican VP confirmed by the Senate within hours
  7. She'd finish the term Having the first female president be pelosi would make chuds almost as angry as a president Hillary clinton as the first woman president
  8. If this is the event in question that caused the spread....uh this is quite bad. The rapid tests are not that accurate
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