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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Wow haha boy I feel like an idiot, they'd never do this stuff the 2015 case here is Arizona State legislature vs Arizona independent redistricting commission Per Wikipedia
  2. It's a legal possibility, and has some adherence in some corners of GOP legislatures, and in the open. These people are already largely insulated from the pressures of competitive elections (outside of primary, base focused elections) so there's not much downside for them electorally. The legal details are laid out how how this could potentially go down. Our system isn't good, and prone to these manipulations. This could also go down in Senate races, controlling power in that chamber as well!
  3. That's not at all what I'm arguing but ok. Like I said, I think Biden wins by a larger margin than his polling indicates. I'm making an argument that is political using a plausible interpretation of the constitution, not "the polls are wrong"
  4. No one wants to hear my take that I actually think Biden is underperforming in polls and will win in a landslide I agree some things will get done...but the laundry list of things that need to get done is massive, (covid/economic relief, meaningful judicial reform, admission of new state(s), voting rights act redux, climate legislation, and that's before taking heed of some of the other immediate material needs like health care) and if the filibuster isn't nixed there is none of this. None. Without judicial reform most all of this is gone as well. Without the VRA redux and admission of new state(s), these gains are fleeting at best. Republicans will be going back to bad faith fighting on the deficit and won't sign up for any of this. I'm ok with doing these things even to moderate ends, but you need to be willing to actually exercise political power, something that many Senate Dems seem unwilling to do, based on word and deed Delighted to be wrong!
  5. I'll be happy, thrilled even, to be wrong. But re: Dems, history indicates that nothing will happen, especially given the centrist push to not have judicial reform or filibuster reform. Again, I'd be thrilled to be wrong but I'm not setting myself up for disappointment or disillusionment.
  6. Yes. The entire current republican project, from CJR to Trump to Cruz is predicted upon voter suppression and counter majoritarian rule; you see it now in gerrymandered state legislatures and you see it in their overt and open questioning right now of the ballots cast in the upcoming election, looking for any technical reason to throw out ballots in "the right areas" I want to be wrong, trust me. Scotus will come down on Trump's side, whether it gets sent up to them is the tossup
  7. Nothing is set in stone but they're already making overt moves for this, see why they NEED ACB on the court, for questions regarding the election allegedly
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