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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. I have two things to add 1) more glibly, democrats fighting accusations of socialism at home leads to a more intense anti-left imperialism is right out of the cold war book, and stupid 2) it doesn't help that accusations of socialism and specifically name dropping venezuela/cuba leads to enough idiots on the left generally going to defend the government. Not sure there's really a good answer to this because there's a lot of blame to go around on venezuela/cuba that leads to their problems (internally there and externally from the US) so the best bet is to just pivot to denmark/canada/etc
  2. we're 100% going to shut down the government, during a pandemic, because the president got his fee-fees hurt because he lost the election
  3. i honestly forgot they have been in power this long. They've been running the house longer than I could vote!
  4. Biden hopes to avoid divisive Trump investigations, preferring unity WWW.NBCNEWS.COM Biden has told aides that he's concerned that investigations would divide the country but that he would leave decisions up to an independent Justice Department. repeating our failures one democratic administration at a time
  5. WOW can't get people to take it based on the science, have to BRIBE them wow no thanks bill GATES
  6. Fake news is free (breitbart, daily caller, etc), real news has a fee (nyt, wapo, etc) which is a small but important thing to think of when it comes to the spread of right wing propaganda
  7. Yes, fact checking is inadequate a response to this brainwashing by the conservative media echo chamber. Not that there is a good way to get to these people, but critiquing that fact checking isn't enough! A lot of people think it's sufficient a counter to the propaganda, and if we fact check another breitbart article or call out Trump's twitter lies someone will see the light
  8. Northam: ‘We are going to move forward with legalizing marijuana in Virginia’ - Virginia Mercury WWW.VIRGINIAMERCURY.COM Gov. Ralph Northam said Monday he plans to introduce legislation legalizing marijuana when the General Assembly convenes in January, setting the state on a path to become the first in the...
  9. if freshman rep aoc would have said something so stupid the calls for her to resign would have been deafening
  10. Oh man there's been a lot of student debt cancellation discourse on the old timeline today. This is a good reply
  11. Per wapo this one is also two shots Yeah this could be messy if not carefully managed. Speaking of which...
  12. if true, this is enough for all health care workers, nursing home facility residents, and then some left over based on a quick Google search. This would be a great place to start.
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