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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Every normie I’ve talked to about this has mentioned they’re not really following other than hearing about some stupid thing one did to the other but that might be my group so idk. I don’t get it at all.
  2. Nuanced conversations are better when they’re older but in the meantime here’s my “neutral” history to hold its place until then
  3. The issue that conservatives have with teaching these concepts to young children at young ages (1-4th grade time) is not that the kids will be traumatized or whatever (they won’t be and it’s stupid to suggest otherwise) but because it’s a foundational attack on their worldview from which they are unlikely to recover
  4. The libsof tictok lady stopped being a private citizen when she started working with Republican operatives and being a guest multiple times on the Republican propaganda channel stop that nonsense.
  5. Lmao. The idea that the right hasn’t been speedrunning to open fascism is hilarious
  6. They always go on (and have for decades) about how “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party the Democratic Party left me!” erases their agency in what is to me very funny.
  7. Someone has latent anxiety from the in game music when sonic in underwater and nearly dies or is that just me
  8. And let’s not pretend that this is some innocent account. This asshole has directly led to the targeted harassment of individual teachers and schools and apparently is working with a Republican political operative! It is very much in the public interest to know who this person is and to pretend otherwise is delusional.
  9. There’s never been a victim of doxing who acts like this. Right wing Outrage theater once again
  10. We should have medical grade filters everywhere why are we still arguing about this jfc
  11. But it’s their right to be able to anonymously call in to Tucker carlsons show and influence policy because you’re close with the chief of staff for the governor of Florida.
  12. “Wait, Pepsi, McDonalds, Johnson & Johnson, why are you no longer advertising on twitter?!?”
  13. Love pretending like you don’t understand how harassment on the platform works
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