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Posts posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. 39 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


    I think the fact that this has been touched on well a few times by a few writers over half a century’s worth of continuity kind of makes my point for me. :p


    More seriously, I get that those stories are told, but they’re a side show compared to how the books normally roll. Which is fine, I think I’d rather die than try to balance a Marvel’s or a DC’s worth of continuity in favor of having individually rad books and arcs. I’m at the point in my life where the whole concepts of continuity and consistency in a comics universe is the most boring thing imaginable. But that’s some people’s favorite thing about comics I’m not saying it’s good or bad or that I’m right and they’re wrong, the “big picture” just doesn’t register to me as interesting. It’s why I like Homecoming and Ragnarok more than Infinity War, even though I like that, too.


    Doctor Doom is the only good thing about the Fantastic Four. Have they had an interesting story since the original Galactus arc? Only 43% joking. :p


    Yeah I never said it was touched on "a few times"... a gave you a few examples. it was a consistent thing when I was reading X-books actively... I can't speak to what's going on now with those books because I haven't read them, but it was always a thing that was present in the comics when I read them. Others who are long time readers can back me up here. And YES, The FF have had other good runs outside of the original Galactus Arc... John Byrne's run is a classic and so was Jonathan Hickman's run more recently which led into the Secret War event.  

  2. More reporting on folks trying to bring Gunn back into the fold


    Seems like The Marvel folks want Gunn back...



    EXCLUSIVE: Might there be a glimmer of hope for change of heart in the quick banishment of Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn from the Magic Kingdom? Nobody is talking about it, but sources said that back channel conversations are taking place between Marvel Studios and Disney. Sources said the Marvel contingent is trying to persuade Disney to explore a compromise that might bring Gunn back into the fold for Guardians 3, something that clearly would be best for the franchise. There is no clash or strong arming here. I’m told it’s a discussion that comes in the wake of the whole cast declaring their loyalty to Gunn, whose abrupt exit has put a thriving film franchise in a rocky place. One would have to label this 11th hour approach to be a long shot, but the community is talking about it.



    It would not be surprising that Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige would make one last try at rapprochement. Disney’s quick guillotine contrasted dramatically to CBS’s handling of the Les Moonves controversy. Though his problems are self-inflicted, Gunn was banished for an incredibly poor choice of words; Moonves continues to run CBS, pending an investigation into allegations of serious sexual harassment bordering on sexual assault. Anyone at Disney would be hard pressed to say the quick hook has benefited the Guardiansfranchise. The entire cast unanimously wants Gunn back, even as they acknowledge he was an idiot, at a time he was graduating from the Troma schlock horror factory and attempting to be some kind of satirical provocateur. Gunn remains eminently hire-able and a studio chief told me recently he’s eager to give him a picture once Gunn is free of Disney.


  3. 4 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

    Personally I find the way that comics handle this to be inelegant at best. The public hates and fear mutants but is fine with non-mutant superhumans because... reasons? Johnny Storm was enhanced by cosmic rays as a teenager and is beloved while a rando X-Man with a mutation at birth who didn’t manifest their powers until the same age Johnny went into space is hated and feared? 


    Each comic has to sail on its own wind so I don’t actually begrudge the writers for handling it the way they do, but mainstream comics handle this by ignoring or or getting cute once in a while when they’re doing a crossover. 


    Actually no... The X-men used to tackle this issue regularly during Chris Claremont's classic run and used to ask the question all the time why The Fantastic Four and the Avengers were treated as heroes and celebrities while the Xmen were treated as 2nd hand citizens and pariahs even though they did the same thing. Mutant Hysteria. like real life racism, made very little sense once you got down to it but that's the point of racism. This issue wasn't ignored when I was reading Xmen comics but I haven't touched an X book in at least five years or so so I have no idea how they handle it now. Shit, Spiderman was even accused of being a mutant because no one knew WHAT he was under the mask. In the classic Marvel U, there was a difference between how citizens treated known, non-mutant super powered people and Mutants and that was based a lot on the Mutant hysteria that folks like Magneto initially fed into.

  4. 1 hour ago, sblfilms said:



    Different mediums allow different ways to tell stories. What works fine in comic books doesn’t necessarily translate to cinema. I don’t think it’s impossible to bring X-men into the MCU, I think it creates different and overall less compelling stories. Different strokes.

    Based on what exactly? Marvel has already combined Extraterrestrial, Supernatural and mythological elements in their shared universe... a feat that a lot of folks didnt think was possible. Why would we think they wouldn't be able to incorporate mutants in to their shared universe especially when there's decades of precedent? The evidence in front of us would say otherwise especially since Fox's Xmen universe has already introduced time travel and will be introducing both extraterrestrial elements and Supernatural elements in upcoming films.

  5. 9 minutes ago, sblfilms said:


    This man gets it. The central struggle of the X-men will always been mutants ”invading” the world of normal people...which doesn’t make as much sense in a world of super powered people and literal aliens.


    Yet Marvel seemed to be able to make it work in the comics (you know where all these ideas were actually born from) for over 50 years. They could definitely make it work especially if they tie in the appearance of Mutants as somehow being a result of Alien activity in the MCU (or however they try to explain the appearance of mutants) There's definitely room in the MCU for mutants.

  6. I replay great games all the time... I replayed Dragon Age: Origins six times, beating the game with each race and origin, I replayed Dragon Age 2: three times, The Mass Effect Trilogy I've replayed with a character in each class, making different choices. I beat the Witcher 2 twice, Beat the Witcher 3 Twice, have marathoned the Halo games everytime a new one is about to drop... 


    I like replaying games because sometimes games will "click" on the second playthrough as you get better at the game and the game shines even more. Sure there are a LOT of games to get through but I'm not in a rush to beat them. I like to savor games.

  7. 1 hour ago, BuckFly said:







    @XxEvil AshxX


    Most of you guys know that I am older...OK, most of you guys know I am old. Although I have a very young child most of my friends and relatives have teenage children.


    I am rarely amazed, because I am at that age where the world and life  just seem to be repeating themselves.


    However, I can't believe how big Fortnite is with the younger generation right now.  This is not to insult PUBG, or even anyone around here who prefers PUBG.


    The thing is it doesn't make a difference whether it is my friend's child down in Atlanta, or another friend's children over in Providence Rhode Island, or my nephews or my in-laws' children locally, or even my neighbors' kids right behind me...all of them have brought up in conversation with me (or I have seen it first hand myself) how big Fortnite is to their kids.


    Even if you cancel out my love of gaming or my membership on this Board I would still know what Fortnite is because it is so very present now that it comes up in random conversation with adults about what their children are doing.


    Again, no disrespect...but no parent brings up PUBG.  That doesn't mean it is not successful, and believe me I know it is still huge.  I may not play PUBG (I'm sorry, Keyser, my friend...I've just been squeaking time in lately for Madden as a break), but I still follow gaming, generally.


    It's just that now the gaming beast is being fed by a different master to the degree that it is permeating culture.


    In a word I am...amazed.




    I was home visiting my family recently and not only was my teenaged nephew OBSESSED with Fortnite (he's 13) he and his sisters clowned PUBG every time I fired it up to play it. Mind you when Fortnite first hit consoles, I was home visiting as well and I was his first introduction to Fortnite (which he gleefully gives me credit for) He also saw me play PUBG when it first came out. These younger kids just don't give a shit about PUBG the way they care about Fortnite. This kid literally played Fortnite all night one night and didn't sleep at all until the next day. So yeah, Fortnite is a phenomenon in the truest since and is fucking huge. Being free on consoles was a very smart move for them.


  8. 1 hour ago, Hurdyb1 said:

    I am clueless to who she is but the more I see her images the more I can see her as Batwoman. 


    You see John Wick 2? She was the mute Assassin character he fought. She was also in Orange is the New Black and she will be in that shark movie The Meg. She's bisexual in real life and is also gender fluid I believe. 

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