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Posts posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. 1 minute ago, sblfilms said:

    I guess I’m struggling to understand how making a terrible sequel like Resurrections on purpose protects the series from being ruined. Is the argument that it is better to set your own house on fire than for somebody else to set it on fire?


    It is still a pile of ash at the end.


    I think it simply is a film where the filmmaker got too cute with an idea for their own good and put out a poorly realized project. It happens, and no need to glamorize the failure with an assumption of intentionality.

    Again, Bingo.

  2. 1 hour ago, Reputator said:

    Imagine deliberately bombing a sequel to your own franchise in order to... help steer your career? Oh, and deliberately involving yourself to protect the franchise's legacy by.... again, making a bad sequel?


    Either that's complete nonsense or Wakowskis haven't a damn clue what they're doing.


    Based on what I've seen of their work post-The Matrix, I'd say it's the latter. Sure, I enjoyed Speed Racer and Cloud Atlas, but a lot of people didn't, and they, like the Matrix sequels, are very uneven, very divisive films not for their content, but for their quality.


    To expand on the Star Wars comparison @skillzdadirecta made, it's like how Lucas couldn't make a good movie without heavy studio interference. The Matrix is that movie, and when the Wakowskis were given more creative freedom... they showed weakness. Intentionally or otherwise, they aren't actually capable of replicating that success.


  3. 3 minutes ago, stepee said:


    I do plan to play this wether it be on ps5 pro or pc so I don’t want to l spoil too much - but it sounds like this is a bit more accessible difficulty wise than something like Nioh - is that right? I really liked Strangers of Paradise which was Team Ninja but it had difficulty options.

    I would say so... it's really just learning the mechanics and which stances to use in which situations. And learning to parry... that's is ESSENTIAL to making fights easier. There's a LOT of meat on this bone though especailly for people who like to experiment with builds and people who love Samurai/Ninja movies and anime. The game is tough though... there's one boss I just can't beat but fortunately he's optional and you can also abandon any missions you get stuck on and comeback to them later. I've been basically wandering the map getting into fights and leveling up and honing my skills.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, stepee said:

    Dig that Shinobi costume! I might make this a ps5 pro launch game assuming there is a patch.

    I think that's the Ryu Hyabusa suit from Ninja Gaiden. This is a game that I can see myself beating and then replaying with a different build and making different choices. They apparently affect the outcome of the game... I think I'm gonna go anti Shogunate on this first playthrough yes.

    • Hype 1
  5. Damn somebody made their character based on Himura Kenshin... wished I thought of that!



    I based my character on Miyamoto Musashi from Vagabond. Should have just said fuck it and based him on Afro Samurai or Yasuke. This guy went full on Ninja with his build



    I love how deep the gameplay is and how you can play the game in a variety of different ways. Skill ceiling is high but not as high as you'd think being a Team Ninja game.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, stepee said:

    He was involved in the early stages of Senua's Saga: Hellblade II's development.


    Meanwhile, they also just lost their main director/writer on their projects - hope this does well so they get to keep making games like this despite that set back.

    Wan't he supposed to be kind of a douche?

  7. The game would have been the debut of the Nemesis system and eventually became Shadow of Mordor



    Gameplay and images for the canceled ‘Nolanverse’ Batman game that was once in development at Monolith Productions have emerged online.


    Batman game with the Nemesis system would have been awesome.

    • Like 1

    The writer-director-producer on his upcoming Amazon sci-fi series, how he wants to go back to 'Westworld' and the lessons of Peak TV: "If the lesson was to ease back on complexity or weirdness, I don't want to learn that lesson."


    I can't imagine he would have a hard time getting a streamer to pony up the dough to finish the series with a limited series or movie as long as WB/Discovery let's them.

  9. I refuse to believe that the same two filmmakers who took every opportunity to "sell out" and exploit their first major Hollywood Blockbuster success with comic books, videogames, animes and every tie in under the sun (which they were both intimately involved in) "DELIBERATELY" made bad movies to teach the audience some kind of lesson especially when those same two filmmakers have not only failed to repeat the success of that first movie with every subsequent film they've made.


    And the difference between The Last Jedi and The Last of Us part 2 is that those works are devisive because they subverted audience expectations but were in and of themselves, well made and well crafted despite the creative and narrative choices they took. You CANNOT say that about ANY of the Matrix sequels. Outside of a few action set pieces, which apparently the Wachowskis now find distasteful, The two Matrix films after the original are overly long, self indulgent dreck that get even worse upon repeated viewings. The fourth movie is even worse because it has literally NOTHING redeeming going for it and is best forgotten that it even exists. And it's interesting to me that The Wachowskis on one hand don't seem to want anything to do with the property anymore but ONE of them is on board as an executive producer on this Sequel/reboot or whatever it's going to be. No one is forcing them to be involved in any capacity which is obvious because one of them isn't involved apparently.


    Lastly comparing every film under the sun to Marvel/DC is weak for the simple reason that those movies aren't trying to be anything other than what they are. Popcorn entertainment. Whether or not they succeed is in the eye of the beholder, but what those movies DON'T try to be is pretentious arthouse sci-fi epics that pretend to be deeper than what they really are. the original Matrix was a great movie... a sci-fi classic in fact and I get that it came out at a time when a lot of us were of an age where we were starting to question certain things about reality and society and it was in fact, The Star Wars of its generation. But unlike Star Wars, the first film was the best one in the franchise and as it turns out... seems to be the anomaly which is weird. The Wachowski's are what, 2 and 5 with The Matrix franchise? Counting the Animatrix and the two videogames? Not a great track record.

  10. 9 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


    The action scenes being so-so was, I felt, intentional on the part of Lana Wachowski. Since Cloud Atlas, and particularly if one has seen Sense8, it's clear to me that the Wachowskis no longer care about action and in fact don't like it and intentionally don't put it in their work anymore. I believe they don't want to glorify action in cinema anymore, seeing it as a bad thing and a bad message to viewers (in the same way Neil Gaiman doesn't really do action in his work either because it's lazy/bad writing and not a good message to send). I believe they've gotten even more pacifist as they've gotten older. I mean, Lana Wachowski could have hired Yuen Woo-Ping and his team again for the action just like she did for the original trilogy and she intentionally didn't.


    As I said in my first post in this thread, The Matrix Resurrections is a super interesting movie to me. I like it, despite it not being very rewatchable (because of the lack of good action, etc.) but that movie was a giant, intentional fuck you to both movie studios (WB in particular) and audiences who just wanted another fan service laden legacy sequel like Hollywood has been pumping out and Lana Wachowski was like: "fuck that" and made a movie with so-so action that seemed to barely care about the action despite being a Matrix movie.


    The Wachowski's have only gotten more arthouse since The Matrix trilogy and in no world do they want to play that studio game of Tron: Legacy and Top Gun: Maverick, etc. They didn't want to make a fourth movie, they only did it because WB told them they were going to make one with or without them, so Lana Wachowski stepped in to protect the integrity of their previous works by remaining in control and she made a movie that, to me, intentionally was trying to kill the franchise so they wouldn't make anymore. Her sister Lilly Wachowski was working on a show but basically refused to do the movie for this very reason that they didn't want Matrix revived. Rumor was that when the film stopped midway during production due to Covid hitting that Lana Wachowski was just going to not finish the film so it would never be made and it took the cast and crew telling her to please finish it for her to do so. The so-so action scenes are a product of all of this.


    I mean, the movie hilariously has a scene introducing the names of three new sentient robot characters that have switched to the human side in the intervening 60 years since the truce was established and it's such a "Hollywood blockbuster movie moment" of a scene "introducing new characters who are part of this new crew" and then they are only seen from that point on and never developed further or voiced again. It's stuff like this that shows that Lana Wachowski didn't want to make some traditional sequel. Yet here we are.

    The only thing I agree with here is the The Matrix Ressurections was a giant fuck you to the audience. That movie was trash deliberately or otherwise.... the fact that EVERY MAtrix movie after the first one was mediocre to bad lends some credence to the urban legend that The Wachowskis stole the first movie from someone and were later sued and the case was settled out of court. This has been disproven of course, but there's The first movie WAAAAAY up here, then The Animatrix and THEN everything else after that.

    If they are going to keep the franchise going, new blood is needed and Drew Godard is a solid choice. Hopefully he starts with a blank slate. Plenty of other stories to tell in this universe.

  11. Finally getting the hang of the combat in this and Hit level 10 tonight. Having a blast wandering the countryside killing bandits and getting into fights. I haven't advanced the story yet because I'm still trying to figure out which side I want to pick, pro or anti-shogunate. I'm finally at a point in the story where I have to pick a side.

    • Halal 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:






    Sign up for Where Winds Meet's first beta now! A groundbreaking Oriental Wuxia open world awaits you!






  13. 6 minutes ago, best3444 said:


    I get it trust me. I'm just a much different gamer than you guys are on here. I'm not taking shots at the game at all. It is what you make of it so that's the cool thing. If you guys enjoy leveling up and changing classes that is completely fine. I'll see if my opinion changes once I beat it which won't be long now. 

    Just play the game in whatever way you find enjoyable. There's no wrong way to play it... except whatever the hell @BloodyHell was doing 

































    • Haha 2
    • True 1
    • Sicko Sherman 1
  14. So the way I did that quest was in this order;


    Go to the prison, talk to the guy he tells you he won't leave

    Go back to Brandt he tells you to talk to the church guy.

    Go Church guy, do his mission discover the book place.

    Go back to prison guy, tell him you found a place, break him out and take him to the book place.

    report back to Brandt: WIN :twothumbsup:

    I did all of that without a guide... it helps once you discover there's a back way into the prison that opens out into the slums. Stealth is pretty bad in this though. It works pretty much by line of sight which is fine, but there's no crouch walk or sneaking animation so you can give yourself away just by unintentionally moving too fast. If they were going to have stealth missions they should have included that functionality.


  15. Just now, best3444 said:


    I didn't even mess with any options last night while playing. The framerate was never an issue for me. 

    Me neither. Pretty sure I'm playing graphics mode... I have TV that supports VRR though. I notice some frame rate dips but nothing too dramatic. What I really notice are people a teleporting into view out of thin air when I'm running through town. That's distracting.

    • Halal 1
  16. 6 minutes ago, Hurricane Game said:

    I think it also helps if you have Monster Hunter experience, the way this game plays makes a lot of sense if you have played MH.


    I can see why people are frustrated without the lock on, but it really doesn't need it. It's just something you kind of "have a feel for" after playing a good while.

    Like I said earlier, I never played Monster Hunter and only tried that series after playing Dragon's Dogma and didn't really like it. But yeah, once you start playing the game the way it's meant to be played and not like a whole different game in the genre, you'll get the hang of it. It ain't that deep.  You don't even really have to "aim" at an enemy. The character will always attack the closest thing to them unless you move in a different direction. It's pretty simple.

  17. 2 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

    Over and over attacks pass straight through enemies. Not just once in a while. Really weird that you’re so hostile about me calling out problems with this game. 

    What's weird is you're somehow playing a different game than everybody else here. I mean you're the one person asking for a lock on button but also complaining about attacks passing through enemies... maybe it ain't the game. Maybe it's YOU. I'm not saying the game is perfect, but honestly to me a lot of the "problems" I see people are having with this game is that it's literally doing it's own thing when it comes to mechanics that a lot of people aren't used to because they want and are trying to play this game like OTHER games in the genre which it does not do. What's a little annoying for me, is that there were PLENTY of videos that said this before the game came out, the first game did a lot of the same things this one is doing and was nowhere near as well recieved (some of the folks raving about this game in this topic were some of the biggest detractors of the first game) and some of the questions and confusion that people have in this game, are answered by the game itself. All it requires paying attention and or reading the in game Enyclopedia.


    I come into this topic wanting to discuss the game and no offense to anybody, I see a bunch of dumb assed questions and comments and I roll my eyes and go back to playing the game. I've even posted videos to try and help folks out that are struggling... nope "I'd rather complain and make reductive comments about PS3 graphics or whatever" and people wonder why activity on this board is dwindling...Sigh. Post what what you want bro, and I promise this will be the last time I comment on one of your posts regarding this game. I have no idea what game you're playing or why you'r having such a different experience than most everybody else but I'd suggest, taking a break and playing something or or just putting the game down. Why suffer through soemthing you're clearly not enjoying? it ain't fun for you or anybody else.


    Anyway, back to the game... has anyone figured out if you can share pawns across platforms?

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