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Everything posted by atom631

  1. the patch yesterday fixed the special ammo drops!!!! rejoice!!!! and it was much needed. The weekly invasion missions are refreshed and it came in handy. i was looting a chest bc i thought the wave was over so im down this corridor, which was a dead end and i turn around to come back a door opens and 4 yellow-bars come out. i panic grenade launchered them all. took 3 hits and i got them all. i definitely wouldve wiped otherwise.
  2. cool. cuz i didnt think i was gonna beat him anyway. lol. i think he had a shotgun and he was knocking my shields completely out in 2 shots...and I felt like i barely did any damage to him
  3. So I had 2 really different and weird things in the game just now. First, i think I accidentally triggered a hunter fight Next I had this weird yellow material in my inventory called something like BSAV.
  4. Liberty is in order. Not sure about Chatterbox, but I did do the first mission mentioned in the YT video i saw. just got unlucky yesterday. luckily the missions can be done on normal so you can fly through them. i just hate that the key boxes are on a 24hr cooldown so i can even try again until tonight. they really need to change from a 24hr cooldown to a daily reset.
  5. yesterday i was key farming and i hit just about all the UG locations other than the northwest corner of the map. I only got 4 hyena keys . However, a ton of outcast and true son keys drop. They must intentionally give them a higher drop ratio. Also the black tusk keys were just as rare. I then ran the Grand Washington Hotel missions and neither chest dropped the piece for Chatterbox.
  6. you shouldve messaged me. I wouldve run them with you. also - use an LMG and the liberty exotic handgun. Its crazy how long I can keep shooting. my LMG has the 20 additional bullets too, so after i take down a yellowbar im still with over 100 rounds in the gun. its an awesome combo.
  7. holy fuck!!! this was the problem. LMAO. i had like 3 printer filaments. ive been selling off all my mods that i didnt need because i was low on credits. i wound up scraping a bunch and i was able to upgrade. EDIT - I do want to say that in my defense, it never showed a pop up screen saying i didnt have enough material. so i never even looked at the requirements or anything (TBH, i didnt even know materials were needed bc every other time it just upgraded. still dumb on my part for not paying more attention.
  8. yeah hard seems to be OK right now. I have around 185K armor and 52K health and I can survive around 2-3 hits from a yellowbar shotgunner (depending how close). maybe ill give a challenging mission a shot and see.
  9. @Man of Culture whats good DPS in this game? I know there people spec building a sniper set and getting like 1.5mil crit head shots which is crazy. i played around in the range yesterday and my LMG seemed to get a sustained DPS of around 350-500K. My SMG was around 250K. No idea if this is good, bad or mediocre.
  10. from what i read, this actually seemed to be the case through europe. I guess that whole selling out Jesus to the Romans thing didn't go over too well for them after that.
  11. ill definitely hunt masks with you. its something ive been wanting to do as well but thought it would be better and more fun with a group.
  12. does it require printer filaments to upgrade? i thought it just required you to progress throug the world tier. Im in WT5 and i was able to upgrade my bench, but the numbers never actually changed. All my gear is stuck at 400-440. Sucks bc I have everything I need for the liberty exotic but it shows only up to 440 if i craft it. I really want the chatterbox, but im going to wait until this is resolved. but maybe i should deconstruct some mods i dont need to see if that makes a difference. doubful
  13. I know you don’t have the crafting bench issue, but you’re getting regular specialization ammo drops?
  14. got it. so thousands of years B.C, the area was inhabited by many different tribes. I'm sure they were warring and fighting all long for pieces of land. What a bloody and messy region. TIL
  15. Interesting stuff... but where then are Jews actually from? they must have an origin, right? Or were they always just nomadic tribes? for instance, the gypsies - their origins go back to tribes of India if I'm not mistaken.
  16. who were the previous occupants? and do you know which scripture says this? id like to read up on it.
  17. thanks! is there any side missions that are absolute must-run for blueprints? so far ive only done like 4-5. I got the one on your recommendation for the extended mag for 5.56 ammo. btw - youve been a wealth of knowledge on this game. So thanks for that. The amount of content is actually a bit overwhelming and youve def help bring clarity to the many systems.
  18. Im not sure if youre being sarcastic or not, but my limited knowledge of the area and situation have me asking the same question. So maybe you guys can educate me. Wasnt all this land originally the Kingdom of Israel? and over the centuries the land changed hands and was occupied by many different races who conquered it? I know Palestinians have a historical claim to the area as well, but they were not native to this patch of land. They took it by force. I thought even archaeological digs confirmed that the oldest artifacts discovered in the region were Jewish. Also, I had read somewhere that even the Koran states that this land is the land of the jews (or something to that affect). If what I said above is true, then Jews were forced to leave this land (the diaspora) and should have the right to take it back. Considering Jews cant live anywhere in the world peacefully without persecution, it seems only fair they should be able to return to their homeland and the rest of the world should support it. After all, isn't that what pretty much the entirety of Europe, Asia, Middle East and a decent sized portion of the US population want?
  19. I did a level 2 control point last night after i intercepted a supply route. Is there a big differece between 2 and 3?
  20. Yeah if you zoom in, the lines will appear that connect to the control points. Tough to tell when at the default view.
  21. I thought those lines connected to control points were just indicators of supply routes. I guess I need to take another look.
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