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Everything posted by CayceG

  1. Jesus Christ. So let's go down the list. 1. Threatening China 2. Publicly feuding with his SECDEF 3. "good and warm" 4. China's great President 5. Only I Can Fix It (with see #4)
  2. I'd rather see this than a repeal of the 2nd Amendment. DSA and African American community groups getting together and exercising their rights in public to scare whitey should affect some amount of change.
  3. This is the same amount of crazy as a guy I know, just on the other end of the spectrum. He's been on a meat-only diet for about a year, and four months ago switched to a completely RAW meat diet. No carbs, no sugars, no veggies. Just raw meat. That's all he eats. He will die of colon cancer at 37.
  4. I'm asking why it's a practical violation of free speech. How is this keeping him from speaking? Retaliation for speech isn't a violation of that freedom.
  5. Shut up, Greenwald. Anyway, I have a question. Obviously Trump did this as retribution/punishment for Brennan being such an outspoken critic... But how exactly is it a violation of free speech?
  6. My favorite part of that is "He's on the Down Syndrome spectrum FOR SURE." All of these people are trash in their own unique way.
  7. I think we're saying different things with the same words. Being qualified is an objective thing. You have a list of qualities, or you don't. Supporting certain policies or not supporting policies is not a definition of "qualification" and is a subjective thing. You're using the term wrong, but I understand what you mean. I'm speaking in the objective sense though.
  8. I wouldn't say intelligence and progressive = qualified. I'm more in favor of it in general. Republicans are a cult of personality and Dems are way more divided in their loyalties. Dems aren't going to rally around one politician, no matter who they are.
  9. Is anyone aside from Governors really qualified to hold the office of President? And even then, the Governor of Wyoming is a different sort of prepared to the Governor of California or NY. And add on to that the crushing weight of foreign responsibility that POTUS holds, and there's still little that counts as qualification in that realm. Trump's not qualified. He is less qualified than a normal CEO because the normal CEO chooses subordinates and works within frameworks of a board as opposed to Trump's kids and whatever rules he makes up. Avenatti isn't qualified either, even though his mind is sharp in the legal realm. Avenatti may have said all the right things in Iowa, but he's still a fame seeker and a loudmouth. And I can't believe we're seriously entertaining this. Just because Trump won doesn't mean we have to accept this as legitimate.
  10. That's like an Obama summit! No way in hell anything happens though. This admin is NOT about arms control.
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