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Everything posted by CayceG

  1. From the other thread: I cast my ballot today - the first day of early voting. Karl Dean for Governor Phil Bredesen for Senator Jim Cooper for Rep And there were a few ballot measures too: I voted in favor of a Community Oversight Board for Metro Nashville's police department. I voted against a change in term limits of City Councilmen from 2-6yr terms to 3. And I voted against requiring councilmen and mayors to take an oath against the Metro Charter. Because fuck oaths.
  2. I cast my ballot today - the first day of early voting. Karl Dean for Governor Phil Bredesen for Senator Jim Cooper for Rep And there were a few ballot measures too: I voted in favor of a Community Oversight Board for Metro Nashville's police department. I voted against a change in term limits of City Councilmen from 2-6yr terms to 3. And I voted against requiring councilmen and mayors to take an oath against the Metro Charter. Because fuck oaths.
  3. The most recent information I'm seeing is that between 4 and 10 F-22s were affected. This doesn't mean destroyed. My guess (sans-evidence) is that the F-22s were not flight capable due to maintenance or whatever and were stored in various hangars. I know I saw two that were in the big hangar with the QF-16s. But they looked intact. Take a look at Tyndall on this imagery: https://storms.ngs.noaa.gov/storms/michael/index.html#18/30.06343/-85.57752 There's a massive hangar that's getting all the attention, and that was where several planes were stored. It took lots of damage. But there are also several other hangars around the base that are either lightly damaged, or not at all damaged. Assuming there were 2 F-22s in the big hangar, my guess is because the rest of the Raptors were stored in more hardened hangars and they just didn't have room for these two.
  4. Kaufman's schtick was to fool the audience and the public. If he were alive, he'd be playing the role of total MAGA chud and pissing off everyone he came into contact with. Everyone except Trump, who he would lavish praise on. The joke being, we'd all be mad, but Andy would actually be apolitical and just doing it to make us mad.
  5. @Remarkableriots https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/05/24/the-empire-strikes-back/ Direct refutation: Regarding the people on the EMP Commission, they theoretically want to stop nuclear detonations in space, right? Wrong: So, again, I say: Wrong. Fucking wrong on each and every count. EMPs are not a threat. Nuclear weapons are a threat. Period.
  6. OR HAS SHE?? [Insert tweet from another reporter contradicting Axios]
  7. Any war with Saudi Arabia should have the end goal of decapitating the leadership and letting the rest of the factions within devolve into chaos.
  8. What do you bet the former Interpol chief wasn't the one that sent that resignation letter.
  9. I want to wish so many people into the cornfield. So many fucking people.
  10. And there are always going to be a series of grievances du jour because there's no lingering specter of Evil outside waiting to ruin the country. We're so listless and without purpose as a country that we are forced to look at minor political differences as forces of polar opposition. Actually, I'll amend my statement. The Fall of the Soviet Union was the US winning without having to do anything that we commonly had done. Take it back to the beginning of the Cold War and you see that the US won WW2 and utterly defeated Japan - not by negotiation to avoid a prolonged war or ground invasion of Japan, but by complete destruction brought on by the atomic bomb. We won on our terms with complete capitulation. In Europe, the same was done (with help). We got high as fuck on that as a country. That colored how MacArthur went into Korea. That informed the bad decisions in Vietnam. It STILL infects our ideas on how to prosecute a war and what the ultimate goals are. Desert Storm didn't help either. Without a win to close out a 40 year period in our existence, we were a ship adrift in the ocean. In short, I blame Hitler.
  11. If you'll remember, Kavanaugh was handpicked by Kennedy as his successor. He communicated this to Trump and it was so. Your solution is already in place.
  12. And based on that, I'm trying to find a genesis point for where it all went wrong. Trump being elected is one thing, but the people that elected him were always here. You could say that 40,000 people initiated this, but that misses a larger point. These people were always here and always going to do something like this. And they were energized after... The election of Barack Obama is the other moment I could think of. That was when things really really ramped up. But Obama's election was a response to the Bush Administration and the horrors that it wrought upon this Earth. Which really got set off by... 9/11. That fucked us up good. But our response was something that wasn't appropriate to the scale of the attack and the perpetrators. I think that this all happened because of... The Fall of the Soviet Union. This left us with no enemy. No moderating factor. No Big Bad. Nowhere to focus our discontent, our factionalism, or our xenophobia. I agree with Putin--this event was the largest, most significant geopolitical catastrophe in modern times. I'm not saying I wished the bad old days were back, but I think that is genuinely where our demise began.
  13. This is essentially the path to the ultimate breakup and demise of this country.
  14. Wrong. Just. Fucking. Wrong. Everyone should stop it with this goddamn EMP bullshit fearmongering. This is not how EMPs work. The electrical grid would not respond that way (just like it didn't respond that way during Starfish Prime). I call upon Wade to put the next person that mentions EMPs in line for the EDIT: Also, if anyone detonates a nuclear fucking warhead--let alone THREE--in the atmosphere above a country, we will all have much bigger problems than electrical issues. That is to say, about 5 minutes before the detonations, we will have launched a retaliatory response in the direction of the incoming missiles. And then everyone is fucked.
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