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Everything posted by TyphoidHater

  1. This seems more like a backdoor maneuver to allow states to reject ANY politicians they disapprove of (for whatever reason).
  2. So maybe they should have undergone a health screening before being shoved on the bus?
  3. Pfft.......I'm sure the countless rabble of FB/Instagram/Twitter have more economic knowledge than this Morgan Stanley you speak of.
  4. Correct. People near me LOVE to point out that all the town has to do to prevent bridge strikes is to raise the railway overpass. As if the town, county, or state own that bridge 🙄
  5. The outcome everyone expected but hopefully it keeps getting challenged. Seriously, MS students should start refusing to sit in classrooms unless teachers and admins can prove a menstruating girl hasn't also sat there. Just random bible stuff to gum up the works.
  6. This is nothing but pure old fashioned Communism 😐
  7. Lol.......you're in the right corner of the continuous United States. I may have overestimated the areas with both the prevalence/popularity of the following: Beers- PBR, Rolling Rock, Narragansett, Yueungling, Utica Club Stores- Walmart, Target, Aldi Farmer's Markets
  8. The only time I shop at Target is in emergencies (I need _____ NOW) and the only reason I choose it over Walmart is because it's twice as close. I will go to Walmart occasionally for cereal as their resealable Malt-o-Meal selection is impeccable (cheapest source of homemade rice crispy treats), but for the majority of grocery purchases Aldi and farmer's markets are superior. PBR is definitely a hipster beer around me, as is Rolling Rock and Utica Club. Pretty sure Yueungling and Narragansett are viewed as a step up. Everyone should be able to pinpoint where I live pretty accurately from all that 😂
  9. I'd rather their was a cognitive test enacted at a certain age. Not every octogenarian is falling apart.
  10. It's kinda sad that a African American man, a Hispanic woman, and a Jewish woman are also sounding like this.
  11. I feel good having my money with a large credit union who is currently merging with another large credit union. Regardless, I'm way under the protection cap anyhoo
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