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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. And Julio just hit a monstrous opposite field dong.
  2. The Mariners are fun! Eugenio Suarez is Mr. Good Vibes, the catcher is nicknamed Big Dumper, and Julio is a 1000-watt superstar in the making.
  3. T-Minus 30 days until he writes an op-ed stating it's a hate crime that no one wants to date him.
  4. I really liked seasons 1 and 2, but just never kept up with it. I should fix that at some point.
  5. The real pro gamer move was in Medieval Total War 2: send a high skilled assassin to chill around Rome. Start a war against your fellow Catholics and take a couple of cities. After the pope excommunicates you for waging war against Catholics, assassinate the dick. Boom. New pope, no more excommunication.
  6. Robbie Ray has been such a dud this year.
  7. Really interesting thread on all the different Tank Man photos that are out there.
  8. It’s the guns it’s the guns it’s the guns it’s the guns it’s the guns. The only way to fix this is to get rid of the guns. I don’t give a fuck if it’s your hobby, I don’t give a fuck how law-abiding or safe you personally are, I don’t give a fuck if your dad pathetic personality is entirely based on owning guns, get rid of guns.
  9. I read about 20 more chapters of Moby Dick, then decided on a change of pace. The Keepers of the House, by Shirley Ann Grau.
  10. Mariners won back to back road games for the first time since the beginning of the season.
  11. I don't know how ANYONE can deny that we have a crisis of policing in this country. Do police prevent crimes? No. Do they solve crimes? No. Do they offer any sort of usefulness at all? Absolutely not. Are they a drain on resources? Yes. Do they prevent us from actually using our resources to benefit cities and people? Yes. The only thing you can count on the police to reliably do is to shot unarmed and innocent people.
  12. Every Mormon child is named after a misspelled Old Testament prophet, right?
  13. She belongs in federal prison solely for the spelling of her name. What the fuck.
  14. I think the confrontation with the Air Force Captain is really illustrative of Jimmy’s character and how he views himself: “Always on a high horse always trying to make me feel like I’m..” It’s like he is a character in a Greek tragedy, someone who is a good lawyer, a hard worker, someone who can do and act right, but someone who will always be seen as scum, untrustworthy and low scum. And that’s why Jimmy becomes Saul—everyone treats him like Saul, so might as well become Saul.
  15. Whew I'm finally all caught up. This show is just one of the best of all time. I'm really going to miss the quality filmmaking that went into it. Loved the shot when the camera was attached to the garage door. Clever creative shit like that doesn't come around too often. I want to see the actor who plays Lalo playing a Bond villain. That guy is just terrifying. My theory for Kim is that she moves to Omaha, and when the timeline finally catches up, Gene gets in contact with Kim Wexler, Underworld Queen of Omaha.
  16. That was the first thing that came to my mind too. I had to read Seven Alone in elementary school.
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