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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. I take back every negative thing I said about Pete during the primary. It's from an old appearance on Fox, but he has been an excellent campaign surrogate for Biden.
  2. Seahawks defense is flat-out putrid. Given the investment in both draft picks, free agents, and trades, something has got to give. Perhaps a new coordinator? Dan Quinn will be looking for a new job..
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if Titans-Bills gets postponed too--Titans had another positive test.
  4. I had a Korean pizza once with some friends. It was shrimp and rice cake wrapped with bacon, and "golden sauce." One of the Koreans said that this was a traditional Italian pizza...dunno about that.
  5. Just your daily reminder that the whole party is fucking insane.
  6. Washington, so not a swing state at all. But from a red district! Perhaps the shitty congresswoman, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, can finally lose.
  7. I mailed in my ballot. It cost 20 bucks cause Korea won't send regular mail to America due to covid, only priority. Still, money well spent to help get that fucktard out of office.
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