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Posts posted by TheShader

  1. 12 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:


    Add me. I feel like I may have contributed to this. I am trying to develop a Ph.D level understanding of psychology cuz it's super useful knowledge and I should be able to teach it to someone else. Recognize when I don't know something and refer you to a professional and recognize if you need medicine to heal yourself. (Difficulties thinking if you can't think about an emotional situation calmly and rationally and make progress on it you probably need medicine cuz I did)

    Added a section of users that have offered open DMs!

  2. 1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:

    I’ve found social media to be a better experience by using it the way it started — keeping in touch, posting photos, and hell, I did some mental health checks for friends during the height of the pandemic.

    I almost kinda do the opposite. I try and treat my social media like a professional account, and not something personal. Doesn't hurt that I run various professional social media accounts for organizations, so I just run it like it was just another set of social media accounts I'm in charge of. It helps me to not get caught up in publicly posting things or getting into arguments that I'll regret later and/or ruin my mental health. Especially as people intentionally tag me in things to get a rise out of me. I just think 'Would the board members of Shader Inc be happy with me if I responded to this?' and when the answer is 'no' then I don't respond.


    I also have a secret Facebook that has like less than 30 people atm on it instead of the almost 1k on my original main Facebook. That kinda helps.

  3. 1 hour ago, unogueen said:

    Voting is not going to work at this point. This is metastasized cancer.

    More needs to be done than just voting, but don't let that stop you from voting. Every election, every primary, every general, every special. It is the fundamental thing we should all be doing. If you don't believe me, look at what 40 years of voting in EVERY election without falter has done for the Republican party. They've done a lot else, but if they didn't also back their other actions with consistent voting and lack of enthusiasm to do so then we wouldn't be in half the mess we are in.


    And part of that 'Doing more than voting' is getting other people to vote. Don't just get yourself to the polls. Get your family, friends, and anyone else you can to go.

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  4. 20 minutes ago, Remarkableriots said:

    I'm not sure if it was a panic attack but sometimes I'll have issues with sounds becoming unbearable. I had a horrible day where it felt like drowning and had a lot of stress happening.

    Can definitely be a panic attack, if not anxiety related in general. As my panic attack was slowly building I lost my ability to filter out extra noise, and the room full of 100 chatting people all sounded like they were directly in my head shouting at me. Panic attacks can also range from small to huge. Sometimes it can be something small and affect you for a couple of minutes, others can be like mine where I ended up on the floor unable to breathe or get up.

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  5. 39 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

    wait they called it a ‘day of hate’? So they’re not even pretending they’re not evil. 

    It's been like this for a while. There's like a solid 30-40% of their numbers that have become comfortable openly admitting to what their end goals are. Look at coverage of any hate group public gathering and inevitably at least one of the speakers that just start spewing unfiltered Nazi -ish and is given a free platform.


    Example: One Lisa Morgan that started unironically quoting Mein Kampf just last month as inspiration for how trans people should be 'dealt with'.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

     I have had the exceptionally good fortune to basically take the last 2 months off if work minus the odd project here and there and sheeeeit, my mental health is better than it's been in a long time.

    Oh, most definitely. My mental health was never worse than when I worked 24/7 with zero breaks. These days I do a combination of seasonal work as well as freelance work, which often allows me to have months at a time where I'm either not working or I'm working at a much more relaxed pace.


    Admittedly it sometimes leads to where I'm at right now, in which I should be coasting fine but am struggling because someone from last year refuses to pay me the like 3-4k they owed me for services rendered that they owe me. Which I'll end up having to sue for if I ever want to see, but in the meantime I'm playing a 'fun' game of catchup.

  7. I guess by technicality. All my grandparents growing up have passed away. The last of which was my grandma on my dad's side circa 2014. She didn't last much longer after my grandpa, my dad's step-dad, passed away. Most I lost pretty young, my mom's mom passed away when I was less than 2, my mom's dad around when I was 3 or 4, and my dad's dad when I was in middle school. Leaving only my dad's mom and step-dad for awhile.


    But that's also from adoption, and I do have grandparents still kicking around on my biological side. Two grandma's and a grandpa. I've met my grandma on my birth dad's side, and despite my birth mom being excited for me to meet her parents I've always felt like they were never over the hill about meeting me. Maybe that's my own internal insecurities, I don't know. Point is I don't really have a huge relationship with my biological grandparents.

  8. I've noticed there's been a lot of mention of people's mental health recently, and a lot of us seem to be struggling in that department. I, myself, had a level 9 panic attack early this last week(And not 20 feet from the Washington Post's political team, it was fun!). So I wanted to take a moment just to let everyone here know that your struggles are real, your mental health is real, and I hope you feel comfortable speaking openly to someone. Be that in this thread, privately to me, or with someone else close to you that you trust. No one has to, nor should, suffer in silence.


    When things feel rough, remember to breathe. In through the nose, out through the mouth. It's the simplest thing you can do to help center yourself back to reality. Hang in there, and remember to get your own oxygen mask on first before you help someone else with theirs. Ya'll are solid 10/10s, and I want to see you take care of yourselves, and to remember that you don't have to go through it alone 💜.


    Just take things one step at a time, and eventually you'll be looking back on how far you've come rather than how much further there is to go.







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  9. 4 minutes ago, Nokra said:


    Yeah, I've been here for coming up on 3 years and never really had any issues with it being a studio. Now that I'm working from home occasionally (new job about seven months ago), it would be nice to have another room to 1) have an office for clearer delineation between work and home and 2) have a spare bedroom for guests, but... even that isn't really necessary. :shrug:


    Yeah, I had mine for about 2-3 years and just before the pandemic. WFH would definitely be on my mind, especially if(Gods forbid) Lockdown 2.0 happens. As it is I tend to do my 'WFH' stuff in offices anyway, just cause I know enough people that allow me to sit in some random corner of their office to do work away from home. I did WFH in my bedroom during lockdown and during the best of times it was hard to be motivated working in a room of rest, and at worst of times it was madness inducing not cognitively being able to separate my work environment from my rest environment.


    My thing personal thing about a studio that I don't get is just space to host guests. I enjoy getting to be the host, invite people over, set up food and games, etc. Hard to do that when your whole living space is a single small square that acts as your bedroom, living room, workspace, and kitchen all in one. When I lived there I'd usually just invite one or two people at a time. Which was still nice, often felt like having a sleepover as children.

  10. 2 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:

    The fact that Dilbert largely got its comedy from the idea that upper management is aloof and incompetent yet Adams became a huge Trump dick rider is… something.  

    Yeah, I'm still as confused on that today as I was when he first started spewing some Q-anon shit. Granted I know nothing of him outside his work on Dilbert(Specifically during the 90s when it was much more popular). It's one of those Orson Scott Card situations where the author's views just make you think 'How the fudgeknuckles did you write this material, but then come to THAT conclusion irl!?'

  11. 1 hour ago, ThreePi said:

    I can't even remember, Bad Cartridge? Am I making that name up?)

    For the record, you nailed it on the head. The site was Bad Cartridge before things got switched over to DayOnePatch. 


    The name switch had something to do with a tentacled fellow of the violet colored variety, but that doesn't need to be gotten into. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Brick said:

    Guy's been a loon for a while. 

    This is underselling it. He pops up on my Twitter timeline from time to time, and his posts are like an AI that's just been fed straight 4chan for 10 years. 


    He makes Kevin Sorbo look like he's actually making decent points. 


    I'm surprised it's taken this long for publications to drop him. Wonder if maybe contracts finally expired. 

  13. UPDATE:


    Two organizations that have been noted to me as being important to the local fight in Tennessee that are in need of donations are



    From the Tennessee Equality Project's website:



    What does TEP do?  The Tennessee Equality Project advocates for the equal rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee.  We do this through legislative advocacy.  That means we lobby the Tennessee General Assembly and local governments around the state.  When there is an important federal issue, like anti-LGBTQ adoption issue language in legislation, we help you make your voice heard with your federal officials.


    As for KnoxPride, I have been informed that they are gearing up to fight the legislation as well as building a bail fund for those caught up in the soon-to-come arrests.


    @TUFKAK @stepee@CastlevaniaNut18@Commissar SFLUFAN



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