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Everything posted by Uaarkson

  1. How bad is this for the general region around Peru?
  2. I mean, I’m still one of those people holding out hopes for him dying in jail! Not prison, JAIL
  3. I bought an Xbox to play Cowadooty for five seconds and now I’m regretting my purchaseugh. I could be playing God of War right now. Need a coastal liberal elite to cashapp me $250 so I can sell the Xbox and get as PS5 lmao
  4. I can’t think of anything more terrifying than being in a helicopter during an active ground war. You get two or three shoulder fired rockets nearby and you’re fucked.
  5. I remember back in early 2020 when my dad said this guy should run for president. Lmao
  6. sorry we don’t all have navy seal builds in our profile pics.
  7. I got 99 White People Problems but a big Diet Coke ain’t one
  8. Is there any aspect of human life the control of which won’t inevitably fall into multinational corporate hands? I can’t think of any.
  9. Blah blah, I’ve had “good” turkey before and it still pales in comparison to a good ham.
  10. Random sidewalk coverage is the most American planning oddity you’ll ever encounter
  11. Basically everything in this country is really fucked up and depressing if you think about it for more than 10 seconds, I mean this society somehow manages to continually invent new ways of making people miserable in the industrialized West
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