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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. Watched a guy playing this, enemies weren't loading but were still there and killing him.
  2. So a long term funding bill is going to get passed without wall money, hes going to declare an emergency and lose in the courts, and come out a double loser.
  3. I'm more interested in whether dems have prepared for what comes next as far as the wall goes.
  4. Like who is he even talking to right now, are their cave people who don't know votes happened today and how they went, but tuned in to this?
  5. Well that didn't take long, Gabbard has picked up a primary challenger from an national guard veteran with more progressive views like M4a, New Green deal and the equality act, while also having flown missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and currently flies for Hawaiian airlines. Kai Kahele. Guess going on national TV and both siding the shut down was a dumb thing to do.
  6. Fox News poll shows the same as all the rest, Dems more trusted on border security, most don't support the wall, pelosi more popular than Trump, shut down bigger emergency than the border, approval down 3% from december poll, ect...
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