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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. Satan just does what God wants, they have a deal, God judges them in department A and Satan burns them in department B. They're the same team.
  2. That was Terminator + Fight Club + The Matrix with Caleb having that Wolverine backstory. I didn't expect it to turn this way and I'm kinda disappointed it didn't go a different route.
  3. Conservatives are ok with denying service to gay couples trying to get a cake but once that turns on them OMG MAH RAIGHTS!!1!!1
  4. In fact, I bet most companies don't care about it at all. How many make a lot of noise about it yet the leadership doesn't change? It's all platitudes and virtue signaling, I suspect the louder they are, the less they're putting their money where their mouth is. Oh, another white woman in charge of D&I telling minorities how they should care diversity and white male CEOs approving what kind of diversity is the right kind of diversity? Say it ain't so.
  5. I didn't even know saying that was an option! Dumb/lazy people really have more tools at their disposal I would never consider!
  6. Why would that even matter??? Why does it matter if Obama had or hadn't left a plan. This is year 4 of Trump's presidency. They're trying to distract again.
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