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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. My derp conservative San Diego neighborhood is throwing a BBQ tomorrow. My wife and i are one of the few ever wearing masks. I keep getting asked to hang out and I politely decline (all Trump lovers with AR-15s) and say shit like "oh I would but that's usually my bed time." They don't get it. They don't believe it. I'm gonna shrug if and when they all get it.
  2. We're all afraid of our futures, we have our benefits cut, production is down, people are getting laid off, different departments are punching each other over Christopher Columbus, profits are sky high. Checks out.
  3. https://www.salon.com/2020/06/30/do-business-leaders-have-any-business-being-president-available-evidence-says-no/
  4. Hrm. Maybe all flags are stupid? Maybe we should do away with them.
  5. Dear Miss Karen, We are sorry for the unfortunate misunderstanding, as a sign of good will, we will be donating all the proceeds from your visit to our venue to Black Lives Matter. We hope you have a pleasant day.
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