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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. I like it. He can relate to Americana and pivot it to where it needs to go. That's what we need with dumb Americans.
  2. Remember when criticising a supreme court judge landed you in trouble on fox news?
  3. A Hampton Inn? The US Gov clearly doesn't have the resources to even do this right, it's all going to unravel soon like everything Trump touches.
  4. Nadler did a good job making Zuck layout the case for breaking it up
  5. I'm getting so angry. What's with these 45, 50lb adjustable dumbells. I need something bigger. I'm leaning towards this.. but this is only my warm up weight.... https://smrtft.com/collections/personal-training-equipment/products/nuobell-80lb Strong man problems.
  6. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5f219420c5b6b8cd63b0b9ea?test_ad=taboola_iframe_mw_life Livestream on top
  7. Zuck getting grilled https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5f219420c5b6b8cd63b0b9ea?test_ad=taboola_iframe_mw_life Livestream at top
  8. I think because after independence Mexico was like "we are ALL Mexicans" regardless of colorism or race. Conquistadores came over but few women, they had babies with the Indios, and those babies couldn't hold jobs regardless of their ancestry (pelados). When women would come from Spain, they would have to get shipped back to have the baby in Spain or it wouldn't qualify for good jobs either, despite being 100% Spanish. You had to be a Peninsular. This created a culture of outlaws of mixed and white banditos surviving in the northern deserts which in part created the vaquero or the cowboy. This class system led to the revolution with mostly the mixed and white citizens rebelling, while natives picked different sides. The reason the Aztecs fell wasn't because of Cortez and his superior army, who first lost, disease certainly helped the Spanish, but the biggest helper was other tribes who hated the Aztecs. Likely most Mexicans are descended from the groups that helped the Spanish than the Aztecs. (That's what happens when you rip people's hearts out while they're still alive, they turn on you asap.) The Aztec pride is a product of The Revolution after rejection the Porfiriato. Unfortunate because Mexico was strongest then, the Revolution was supposed to create financial equality but it didn't solve anything. Anyway, so Mexicans see themselves as Mexican due to this history, and being Spain Spanish is like you're an alien. Colorism is definitely still a problem tho.
  9. Yoho booted from Christian board https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/rep-ted-yoho-removed-from-board-of-christian-charity-over-his-comments-about-rep-alexandria-ocasio-cortez/2020/07/25/31037546-ceaa-11ea-91f1-28aca4d833a0_story.html?no_nav=true&p9w22b2p=b2p22p9w00098#click=https://t.co/fYKG8LthMI
  10. I ordered another Ohio Power Bar. hahahahahhahahhahaghahgahgha going wild
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