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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. I mean, he pushed obama on gay marriage and ran recovery programs like cash for clunkers
  2. Good! I know lefties b mad about it but I'll take 7 more years of this rn, rn
  3. Back then, that was centrist and if you're white, it may still be!
  4. 5yr Intel 5930k Last PC was a q6600 from 2007
  5. I hate wings and would never eat them! I hate getting my fingers dirty while eating.
  6. Same thing happened in the Spanish empire. The rich families had sons become priests which made their income non taxable while the empire waged wars to the point that it couldn't sustain the costs. Everyone was declaring themselves to be holy therefore no taxes.
  7. And you know Larry david actually probably did this
  8. Basically a broken clock! Isn't it marvelous????
  9. When Trump got elected a lot of the Asian ppl I know would tell me it won't be bad or they support Trump. How if I just follow the laws I'll be ok, or how if I listen to the alt right maybe I'd understand that they do have a point, it's just that they aren't communicating it well. Or how BLM are a bunch of thugs. I would tell them just because you're not immediately on the list doesn't mean you're not on their list, and now we're here. There is no benefit in siding with the right. I know it isn't just asian ppl, there's a lot of self hating Mexicans out there.
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