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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. Well that's ridiculous. But he could hav killed just as many, if not more with a truck - like what happened in Nice France a few years ago. It's a wonder something like that hasn't happened more in places like Las Vegas with so much foot traffic on the streets.
  2. Latin America has lots of gun laws. They aren't enforced for a number of reasons.
  3. Those countries, even when they effectively had no gun control laws, didn't have American levels of gun violence. On the other hand, despite strong gun control laws, most of Latin America has gun violence that equals or far exceeds that of the United States.
  4. Williamson's voice sounds like she is a time traveler from ~1947 east coast high society.
  5. Tim Ryan is a lizard person wearing a human skin suit I'm pretty sure.
  6. Shit I missed it. Eating some delicious fuckinh meatloaf for dinner.
  7. Regardless if the impeachment is successful or not, I think it's important that they follow through, as it would at least set the (very low) standard by which future Presidents should be judged.
  8. If a state has the power to deny third parties ballot access for whatever reason they want, they probably also have the power to deny major parties for whatever reason they want.
  9. If he broke any laws, he should absolutely be prosecuted. If he didn't break any laws, IDK what you could do to him, besides shame him.
  10. I suppose that's possible - but the gun shop that allegedly sold the gun, confirmed on Facebook that they sold the gun to the shooter and not someone else. That leads me to believe that either the gun shop broke multiple federal and state laws, or the shooter was a resident of Nevada.
  11. A couple of potential scenarios here: The Nevada gun shop broke federal and state law by selling this gun to him if the guy was a California resident - Federal law says a person from out of state can buy a rifle in your state, provided it doesn't violate any of the laws from that person's home state. This gun was a prohibited weapon in California. The buyer was under 21. The seller failed to ship the gun to a California dealer, where the background check and 10 day waiting period would occur. The guy was a Nevada resident - No federal law was broken by selling the rifle to him. However, the shooter broke several laws when he illegally transported a prohibited weapon into the state, and was not old enough to possess any weapon.
  12. So it's the opposite of Trump, who spends a lot of time each day to get every hair exactly where it should be. In both cases, it's not a good look! Both would probably benefit from combing their hair **a little bit**.
  13. In California owners had to start registering their guns that are classified as "assault weapons" last year. They were also allowed to sell them out of state, surrender them to law enforcement, or modify them so they are no longer considered assault weapons, if they didn't want to register the firearms. Now that California has a registry of who owns these guns, I wonder if they'll take any type of enforcement/confiscation action to get these guns out of the hands of civilians in the state.
  14. Yes. You should be able pull your credit at any time, for free, and with no impact to your credit score. What we have now is absurd.
  15. I for one welcome welcome England and Wales into our Union as the 52nd and 53rd states.
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