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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. Biden cements this if Bloomberg drops out. Will the Bernie Bots accept the fate of their dear leader though?
  2. It would be interesting if Biden can pick up a southern state or two. Could Georgia and North Carolina be in play for the Democrats if they pick the right candidate?
  3. The only evidence is the threat that the Bernie-bros will stay home in protest instead of voting for BIden.
  4. It depends on who runs for the Libertarian party. If it's someone like Amash, I'd vote for them no question. If it's someone like Vermin Supreme, I'd consider voting for Biden.
  5. You guys are delusional if you think Sanders is a strong bet against Trump. He may be what you want, but he isn't what is going to get Trump kicked out of the White House. Why the hell do you think Trump is shouting "rigged" every chance he gets when Sanders loses a primary?
  6. If Donald Trump can lock kids in cages and make bump stocks illegal via executive fiat, I'm sure the next Democratic president can do all sorts of things that the executive branch shouldn't be doing without Congress's consent.
  7. I'm in escrow right now on a new house, I wonder if this rate cut will help lower my interest rate?
  8. My company has stopped all international travel, and you need a legitimate business reason and manager approval to fly domestically now.
  9. I think it is the trickiest if it the death happens before the election. If the winning candidate dies after the election but before the electors cast their votes, the vice presidential nominee will likely become the President on inauguration day. But yeah, if it happens before the election - can you vote for a dead guy?
  10. All state governments should pass a law now authorizing vote by mail for November.
  11. Officially I am not a member of any party. I'm ok with some of the Democratic positions on certain things, but the same with Republican positions as well. As for who I'll vote for in November, we'll see who the LP puts up. If they get Amash to run, I'd vote for him.
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