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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. Peanut butter is good to stock up on. It's calorie and nutrient dense, doesn't go bad at room temperature, and is inexpensive.
  2. I went to Lowe's and Smart and Final (mini-Costco) and they were completely wiped out of toilet paper.
  3. You'll probably be fine. But if you have coronavirus, are you willing to spread it to others?
  4. It's for the best, even if it means reduced income for the family. We are lucky - my wife is a stay at home mom. If Nevada or Clark County decides to cancel school for an extended period of time, we should be able to manage.
  5. He's holding the hat the minister was probably holding just prior, potentially shedding the virus onto Trump.
  6. You joke but I'm sure some people are seriously throwing this out there as a legit theory of the virus.
  7. Trading halted for 15 minutes. Currently down 7.2 percent. Much confidence in the Trump administration's response to multiple bad things!
  8. The team should terminate his contract and be blacklisted from all the other teams for life.
  9. I'm Irish which basically means I"m French which is basically Italian which is basically African from what I understand.
  10. I like how the stock market experienced the second largest point drop in history and it's not even the biggest news event today.
  11. My money is that the speech will refer multiple times to the "China virus" or "Wuhan flu" with the President slowly and explicitly pronouncing CHI-NA or WHU-HAN multiple times.
  12. That just reminded me that we have tickets to see Sting in concert in May at Caesar's Palace. I wonder if they'll cancel the show at this point.
  13. Everyone at my company is allowed to work from home except those deemed to be in critical operations. My entire team is critical operations. The good news is that we don't interact with others, so we have that going for us.
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