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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. NY Auto show is cancelled/delayed from what I hear. Ford was supposed to unveil the new Bronco. Spy shots have leaked though. Looks pretty nice.
  2. I have this thing in my head from 2016 where I didn't know who Bernie Sanders was really, so I started calling him Barney Saunders as a joke. It has stuck with me and I get a little chuckle every time I think about it.
  3. Sanders needs to drop out immediately and endorse Biden. The party (that he is not a part of, funny enough) needs to be united well in advance of the convention if they hope to take on Trump in the Summer and Fall.
  4. I'm assuming you are fairly young and healthy. If you contracted coronavirus but it was "mild" to you, would you go give your elderly grandmother a hug? It's just the flu bruh
  5. We get what ever Congress puts on the President's desk. Biden at least has the advantage of having connections in Congress. Sanders is that emo kid in the corner that isn't in anybody's click.
  6. So after either Sanders dies in office from a massive heart attack, or is voted out in 2024, we'll have the exact same healthcare system we have now? Or perhaps even worse because there is no room for compromise.
  7. A public option with a requirement to have health insurance would result in universal healthcare. It just wouldn't be single payer.
  8. I ordered a new work laptop 2 months ago but I just got an email from our tech department letting me know they are canceling the order because their stock is extremly limited and thy are only disbursing computers to new hires. So I have live with a shitty macbook pro with horrible keys that fall off for the foreseeable future.
  9. China has the advantage of being a totalitarian state that the west lacks. The west will not have the will nor the means to take the actions China took.
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