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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. Okay, having had some time to think about it (and despite being the one to post the tweet about this earlier), if you want a gravestone for the deceased, for some fucking stupid fucking reason you still need to buy a casket even if you are cremating someone because they’ll bury the casket. My dad wanted to be cremated, but we ended up doing an open casket because we realized the price tag of cremating him and doing the gravestone (he’d have been added to the family gravestone) would have cost the same. TLDR, odds are there’s a casket that’s empty. Or knowing Trump, it’s legit got illegal shit in there.
  2. I almost want Republicans to take back the House to see if spineless Kevin tries to follow through with his “threat”.
  3. Especially since we’re co-opting the stupid “Let’s Go Brandon” catchphrase at the same time. Any time we can kill fun for right wingers should be considered a win.
  4. I mean, isn’t Ben Shapiro a failed Hollywood sitcom writer and JD Vance is just butt hurt his shitty movie didn’t win an Oscar?
  5. I knew there was a reason that I loved that guy, besides him being the second guy to dash Linda McMahon’s Senate hopes.
  6. No, I’ve got a great poop system thanks to the mushroom coffee.
  7. One day I’m getting really high and listening to that Care Bears soundtrack on the record player.
  8. What always gets me is the Kyle Reese monologue in the beginning of that video. Fuck, Michael Biehn is awesome and should have been a bigger star.
  9. Yo, so I was going through my dad’s record collection and found, I shit you not, Purple Rain and the Care Bears Movie soundtrack. My old man was wild.
  10. Were the Dems visited by three ghosts of Midterms Past, Present, and Yet to Come? What is with this sudden BDE?
  11. This gives me a lot of confidence in the fall for PA, especially with Mastriano outright saying he’d ban abortion as Governor, with NO expeditions.
  12. Wait a minute, why was a cigarette on your shoulder for a stranger to take off of it?
  13. If there’s one thing people in PA hate, it’s outsiders pretending to be one of us… at least in Philly, and let’s be honest, we’re the only part of PA that matters.
  14. The fact that they had all this shit down IN WRITING leads me to believe that they definitely thought this was going to succeed.
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