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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. I just need Oz, Walker, and Vance to lose. Sadly, it looks like Vance is easily going to get that Senate seat.
  2. Mitch is the Turtle, but Chuck is the Tortoise. Slow and steady eventually wins the race.
  3. JFK? Not JFK JR? They do realize that JFK, if he were SOMEHOW still alive after getting his head blown off, would be 105 today right?
  4. Imagine waiting 25 minutes for what’s basically the McDonald’s of Italian food. Mike Pence really is the whitest human being alive.
  5. Who wants to be money that Vance‘s wife is trying to leave him and take the kids with her?
  6. On the other side of that, apparently JD Vance’s campaign is completely broke too. I’m shocked Thiel hasn’t cut another check.
  7. As an artist myself I can appreciate any artist that has a sense of humor about their most notorious piece of art.
  8. Wait! I completely forgot why that Pat & Geno’s photo was the ultimate pandering… HE’S A FUCKING VEGETARIAN!
  9. Are you sure you’re not talking about Redfield? I remember HIM getting a lot of shit from people on the left.
  10. In another blow to Oz‘s campaign, his one big campaign promise was that he was “going to fire Fauci.”
  11. Meanwhile, this shit is happening. I’m starting to lean toward the “only good Republican is a dead one” theory:
  12. He better flee to a country with no extradition because holy shit if and when Republicans get the House and Senate back…
  13. Jesus fucking Christ, get some outside air and get off YouTube for five minutes.
  14. Trump doesn’t know what grief is. He needed hand written notes to tell him to be sympathetic to the Parkland shooting survivors.
  15. Meanwhile, Bannon is floating a potential Mike Flynn run in:
  16. DeSantis is going to get crushed by Trump’s insane ramblings. Remember, we all thought Ted Cruz or JEB! were going to be the nominee in 2016, and Trump came in and wedgied both of them.
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