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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. TikTok was good for one thing, and that was when it’s users reserved all those tickets to Trump’s Tulsa rally that had low turnout.
  2. Let’s hear from another artist: Kelly McKernan (@kelly_mckernan) • Instagram photos and videos WWW.INSTAGRAM.COM Kelly McKernan shared a post on Instagram: "Edit: comments off for my sanity! What a time to be a career artist, huh? ☄️ *rolls up sleeves* ok darlings, I’ve got a platform and I’m...
  3. Mario Maiale (@mariogmaiale) • Instagram photos and videos WWW.INSTAGRAM.COM Mario Maiale shared a post on Instagram: "Whose face do you see? I’ve gotten ten different answers. #art #artlife #face #wip #workinprogress #justdraw #digitalart... Mario Maiale (@mariogmaiale) • Instagram photo WWW.INSTAGRAM.COM Mario Maiale shared a post on Instagram: "Finally wrapped it up, and I added Ollie in there as his little Hobbit buddy. Coming soon, this on an actual canvas. #digitalart #art... Mario Maiale (@mariogmaiale) • Instagram photos and videos WWW.INSTAGRAM.COM Mario Maiale shared a post on Instagram: "In some ways, I never stopped doing landscaping. #conceptart #art #digitalart #landscape #landscaping #design... Look! Non-pixel!
  4. I was kind of saying “fuck anyone who uses them” at my cousin because he was basically flaunting that he was using it to me AFTER I explained my stance to him. But he’s also one of those New York hipsters who jumps on the hot new app. When he’s not using that Lensa app he’s “Be Realing”.
  5. Lol, iPhone users pay more because of course: Twitter Blue Relaunches Dec. 12, Apple Users to Pay More WWW.PCMAG.COM Twitter has announced that it will relaunch its subscription service Twitter Blue on Monday, with iOS users paying $11 a month, compared to $8 a month for everyone else.
  6. Now THAT is an interesting what if, because there’s so many things Trump did that fucked us, like disbanding Obama’s pandemic response team and completely ignoring the pandemic playbook that the previous administration left behind. Trump did those things out of pettiness because he genuinely hated Obama. I don’t think DeSantis would have been THAT petty.
  7. What I do requires talent and practice. What these Russians did was write a bunch of code that basically took other people’s hard work and mashed it together to make people’s photos look like they were drawn by an artist and in some cases, NOT EVEN REMOVE THE ARTIST’S SIGNATURE.
  8. Let me put it this way, I make my living doing this. This app cuts into that.
  9. The Lensa AI app is basically stealing other artists’ art and fuck anyone who uses it.
  10. Let’s be real, Viktor Bout will probably commit suicide in a month by stabbing himself in the back with a knife… multiple times after ingesting some poisoned vodka.
  11. The replies in this thread are what Michelle Obama was talking about when she said “when they go low, we go high”. There’s apparently other details to this story that I won’t mention because I don’t know if they’re true, and some unneeded discourse comparing this to other situations involving politicians that some on the left are using as “ha, see we’re better than them because we didn’t laugh.” Fuck, I wish I didn’t click on the Trending section of Twitter today. I’m glad we’re all above it.
  12. It’s a shame Vance won in Ohio, otherwise it would have been a clean sweep of Trump endorsed candidates. That’s my negative thought for the day.
  13. Yeah, this story sucks and it’s a shame it’s out in the public like this. Hopefully the kid gets the help she needs, silentbob mentioned above that she probably gets so much shit at school because of who her dad is. I can’t even imagine the shit she got after her dad blamed running to Cancun on her while Texans froze to death.
  14. So, what’d I miss? Can I write “Dave I’m gonna nut” yet?
  15. I like insurance fraud, mostly because I’d be good at it. It’s so easy to doctor insurance documents. I mean, I’d never do it, but you know, I could if I wanted to.
  16. Yeah, I’m bumping this because I finally got to typing reviews again and wrote about what this trailer meant to me: Mario's Musings: Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny BHPICTURES.COM It’s been a year and some change, but I’m back. I won’t lie to you, 2021 was a rough year for me. In January of 2021, my beagle Oliver got cancer and had to be put to sleep. At the...
  17. Premature infants had to be airlifted out of the hospital because of no power. This made me more irrationally angry than I care to admit. Line these fucking losers up against the wall and shoot them.
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