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Everything posted by marioandsonic

  1. On the one hand, the Boston Bombing was horrible, and I have no empathy for the guy. On the other hand, doesn't Trump still believe that the Central Park Five should have been put to death?
  2. Looks like it's going to make landfall in the Carolinas early this week.
  3. I got a Galaxy s5 back in 2014, and I've stuck with Samsung ever since. Wish I could delete some of the bloatware on it though.
  4. Looks like it won't directly hit Florida, but will travel along the east coast. It's disorganized right now and dealing with both some dry air and wind shear, so it may weaken a bit and possibly go down to a tropical storm, so that's good news for those in the path of it.
  5. Isaias now a Category 1 hurricane, sets sights for Bahamas, eastern Florida
  6. Yep. Maybe they figured out that those "You won't be safe in Joe Biden's America" ads make no fucking sense because we're already dealing with an impending homelessness crisis, a secret police force, and a global pandemic.
  7. People like Carlson who called Obama a dictator need to shut the fuck up.
  8. That makes sense. Plus, Trump hasn't started a Civil War. ...Yet.
  9. Isaias's track has shifted to the east. It's now forecasted to travel up the East Coast. https://www.al.com/hurricane/2020/07/tropical-storm-isaias-2020-path-shifts-east-near-florida-carolinas-flash-flooding-in-puerto-rico.html
  10. Yep. If Trump ever does something right, there's a 99% chance he's doing it for the wrong reasons.
  11. Indeed. Despite all of Trump's faults and failings, if he and his staff took this seriously from day one like many other countries did, he would have proven that maybe he really does deserve to be president after all. And he failed. Spectacularly. This outbreak and his mishandling of it instead just proved how incompetent he truly is. The only silver lining is that hopefully millions of Americans that voted for him in 2016 are seeing all of this, realizing their mistake, and will try and rectify this in November. But I have no faith in this country anymore, so I expect him to win by a bigger margin somehow.
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