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Everything posted by Phaseknox

  1. That sounds good and all, but are there peaches? Based on your impressions and since I’m a fan of the games, I’m going to start watching it today.
  2. Yeah, I admit that using it was a poor choice on my part. It’s really good IMO, one of the better animated shows that I’ve seen in a while.
  3. There’s apparently two main characters - a male and female. I’m hoping that you can play whichever that you want at any time, because I’m not interested in playing as the dude. We’ll see what the first trailer reveals, I’m expecting it to reveal the setting, story and main characters because first Grand Theft Auto trailers have never shown actual gameplay before. Maybe it’ll be different this time, but I doubt it.
  4. I agree that it’s just my opinion, I never claimed to speak with authority on attractiveness. There was some outrage a while back over female characters in video games being overly sexualized, and ever since then they’ve been getting less sexy which is fine but even just being pretty seemed to be a problem and they started getting more average looking and even what I consider unattractive. That’s why it’s my assumption that they’re purposely made less attractive now compared to in the past. Alan Wake is good looking in the first game, and he seems to be in the sequel as well and looks like the actor that he’s modeled from based on what I’ve seen of it. I really can’t think of too many male protagonists in video games that are unattractive TBH, but I admittedly don’t play as many games with male leads these days as I prefer playing as female characters in games. I don’t really agree with this because it’s a known fact that most guys don’t like playing as female characters in games regardless if they’re attractive or not, that’s why there are so few female characters in games because it’s still a male dominated thing. I’m actually in the minority of being a guy who prefers playing as female characters, I’ve just always found attractive, athletic, ass-kicking females to be badass for some reason. I’ve never really liked playing as big, bulky, tank type characters which male characters often tend to be. And I just find female characters more appealing to look at while playing, I don’t like looking at a dude’s butt for hours at a time. I don’t demand it, I just prefer it. There’s a difference. And I don’t really get why it even matters since it’s just my personal preference. I admit that she’s cute, and I do like her. I was simply making the point that she was made a little less pretty IMO than her real life counterpart that she’s modeled from. Maybe. Aloy is modeled from Hannah Hoekstra, not Ashly Burch. And Jesse is more manly looking than Courtney, look at that jaw. And yeah, she definitely looks more tired as well. But she looks like that at the beginning of the game, so it can’t be blamed on her experiences in the dimension breaking, haunt your dreams, hellscape. I didn’t realize that the character model was based on a real person, those bangs and eyebrows were kind of bothering me in the game but I still thought that she was somewhat cute. The problem in this case isn’t so much that she’s unattractive because she’s really not, but whoever did the character models for the game did a somewhat poor job IMO especially for the supporting cast. But I still really like the game, it’s one of my favorites this year. Young or old, runway model or not, I just don’t personally find her attractive. With all of that said, I didn’t mean to take this thread off-topic with my personal opinion on the attractiveness of female video game characters. Looking back I admit that I exaggerated a bit. And I also don’t deny that I could be completely wrong about my assumption of them being purposely made less attractive now to prevent them from appearing sexualized.
  5. Exactly. Thanks for clarifying it that way, because I admit that I sometimes struggle with how to explain things especially in written form.
  6. There’s a lot more male video game characters than female ones, so of course there’s going to be a few more diverse looking male ones. But I still feel that some female video game characters are intentionally made somewhat unattractive looking to avoid being seen as sexualized. A few somewhat recent examples off the top of my head would be games like Control, Deliver Us Mars, Horizon Zero Dawn, Rage 2, Returnal, Scars Above and Wolfenstein: Youngblood. In Control and Horizon Zero Dawn the main characters are modeled from real women which are both pretty IMO, but the devs made them look less attractive in the games. How is making them less attractive than the real women that they’re modeled from more realistic? It’s not which is why making women in video games less attractive so that they’re more realistic looking doesn’t really hold water IMO. It’s my personal mandate and rule. I like playing as attractive female characters in games. I was using Disney/Pixar, shows like Velma, some video games and commercials as examples of things that the diversity in them can feel kind of forced instead of authentic IMO, that was separate from what I said about female video game characters being less attractive looking to avoid being sexualized. Was that an outrage, I wasn’t aware of it. A lot of commercials include mixed race and gay couples in them these days which is perfectly fine of course, but sometimes it can come across as a bit forced IMO. With that said, I myself didn’t mean to cause an outrage here with my comments. And I definitely didn’t mean to come across as if I wasn’t for diversity in things, because I most certainly am.
  7. I guess kind of the way that Disney/Pixar, shows like Velma, some video games and a lot of commercials do it. Perhaps not the same thing, but I don’t like the somewhat recent trend of purposely making female video game characters unattractive as a way to show that they’re not being sexualized. Looking attractive is not the same as being sexualized which some devs don’t seem to grasp. However, male video game characters continue to be chiseled and handsome. Talk about double standards. That’s known as whitewashing, and I’ve always disliked it. The biggest offender from your examples IMO is the show Kung Fu casting David Carradine as the lead instead of Bruce Lee. I watched the show in my youth and never understood why a white actor was playing the role when the character was Chinese. It was awkward, and confusing. That’s definitely not me, I’m the complete opposite. Part of what I like about the show is that it basically gives zero fucks, it’s not watered down in fear of offending anyone which is kind of rare these days.
  8. I would play multiple games back on the NES/SNES and SMS/Genesis because a lot of games for them were arcade-y, simplistic in design and short. But when games started advancing more and becoming more complex and longer is when I began only playing one at a time until I finished it.
  9. I guess the agenda (if that’s the right word) that I was thinking of is “hey look at us, we’re progressive” done with blatant intent to gain favor with certain groups. It sometimes comes across as attention seeking instead of authentic and genuine IMO. But yeah, it’s not really any different than anything else done by companies wanting to make money.
  10. I’m all for more representation and diversity in arts and entertainment, but sometimes it comes across forced in a way that feels disingenuous and only included to earn brownie points. That’s when it feels like it’s being pushed as an agenda IMO. But when it’s done authentically it’s a good thing like you said.
  11. How can you play so many games at the same time? It’s in my backlog, and I always thought that it looked good. I plan on playing it when I’m in the mood for an FPS.
  12. I’m not one of them which should be obvious from knowing me all of these years. I used woke as a term for pushing an agenda in arts and entertainment, but perhaps I don’t fully know its meaning and used it inaccurately. If so, then I apologize.
  13. Of course not. I actually don’t have a problem with any of it, I just don’t like when stuff is shoehorned into things to check off certain boxes.
  14. While the revenge plot is typical for the genre, it still works to drive the characters and action which are both good IMO. I also like that it doesn’t shy away from sex and violence like a lot of shows, movies and video games do these days to the point of feeling censored. And it’s not woke in any way which is refreshing as well. These aspects combined with its art style and animation make it almost feel like a throwback to adult animated entertainment from the past which I’m a fan of. It does have some predictability and genre tropes, but I wasn’t really bothered by them and it did go in unexpected directions at times at least for me. I disagree that the art style is hideous, I personally like its somewhat stylized look but I can also understand how others such as yourself might not. Of course the show won’t appeal to everyone, but I myself think that it’s really good and I’m looking forward to the second season.
  15. I just watched all eight episodes in two days, I didn’t want to stop watching once I started. I found it really entertaining, and well done. Now the question is how long are we going to have to wait for the next season?
  16. How do you know that it’s not funny if you never watched it?
  17. I’m glad that you liked it, but I found it to be a rather mindless repetitive third person enemy wave shooter. It’s not very good IMO, but it can offer some dumb fun if you like third person shooters.
  18. Yeah, but they’re mostly indies that are on sale for cheap.
  19. Call of the Sea Chrome Wolf Max: The Curse of Brotherhood Pinku Kult: Hex Mortis Sifu A Space for the Unbound The Tenth Line
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