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Everything posted by Phaseknox

  1. The main character is what made me less interested in this game, because he doesn’t look very appealing to me. I would have preferred a female character in the role. I still got the game because I like Star Wars and third person action platformers, and I’m hoping to like the main character enough to play through it because a main character can make or break a game for me. There’s been plenty of games that I’ve quit playing because I didn’t like the character that you play as.
  2. I think that you would like it more if you saw the movies, and were familiar with the characters already. I don’t think that you can appreciate it as much being completely unfamiliar with the characters.
  3. I’m not into fighting games as much now as I was in the past, but this looks really good.
  4. It’s not pretty much a standalone game, it IS a standalone game. It’s my third favorite in the Uncharted series, it’s really good.
  5. I don’t game on PC because I have a cheap old laptop, I strictly game on my Xbox 360 and PS4. PS4 will most likely be my final gen of gaming because I currently have like 600 games for it, and there’s still more out and coming out that I want. I’ll never realistically be able to play them all, so I have no need for another console. Gaming is one of my favorite things, so I won’t be giving up on it until I can’t physically do it anymore. I’m 51 with health issues, and I’ve been noticing a decline in my ability to play games for as long as I could when I was younger and healthier. So I don’t really know how much longer that I’ll be able to keep gaming for, but I do know that I currently have more than enough games to play until I can’t anymore.
  6. I only own an Xbox 360 and PS4, and there’s only a few Xbox 360 games in my collection that I haven’t played. I do plan on playing them at some point though. There’s even some that I would like to play again as well, but I’m not sure that I will. I currently have like 600 PS4 games, and there’s still more out and coming out that I want. I realistically probably won’t play them all, but I still can’t stop buying them when I see them for cheap.
  7. Last gen is still my current gen, and will most likely be my final gen since I don’t plan on getting a PS5 or Xbox Series X. I currently have like 600 PS4 games, and I still have Xbox 360 games that I want to play. That’s one of my favorite games from that console generation, I plan on playing it again at some point.
  8. I have a regular PS4 and my brother has a PS4 Pro, and the differences between the two aren’t that big. Like I mentioned, I’m currently playing Far Cry 6 on my PS4 Slim and it looks and runs great. I expect Horizon Forbidden West to as well.
  9. I don’t know why it gets so much hate, I thought that it was great.
  10. Life is Strange isn’t hipster shit. I love the first game, and Before the Storm. I bought True Colors during Black Friday, but haven’t played it yet. Real gamers play everything!
  11. I would trust the word of the gamers here over a bunch of pretentious game critics/journalists any day of the week. Exactly. It’s the same every year from so-called “professional” game critics, GotY lists full of artsy fartsy indie games that no one has ever heard of.
  12. He’s a PC gamer if he’s playing New World. I don’t know how he can’t have anything to play. I have too much to play (600 games), and I only have a PS4. I’m glad that you seem to be enjoying it. I am too, it’s mindless fun like you said with a fairly entertaining story and cast of characters. I know that not everyone likes them, but I’m personally a sucker for these types of Ubisoft open world games with an overwhelming amount of stuff to do scattered all over a giant map.
  13. Considering how good Far Cry 6 looks on PS4, it doesn’t surprise me that this looks good on it as well. It seems like the main difference between the PS4 and PS5 versions of these crossover games are their frame rates, PS4 being 30fps and PS5 being 60fps.
  14. I stopped playing Biomutant because it was failing to really engage me. It’s not bad, but it’s not great either. I’ll most likely play it again in the future when the mood strikes me, and after I’ve played other games that I have more of an interest in playing. Speaking of which, I started playing Far Cry 6 and I’m really digging it so far. The graphics are some of the best that I’ve seen, and I’m playing it on PS4. It’s proof that blaming the previous gen consoles for Cyberpunk 2077 looking like ass on them is bullshit. CDPR just done fucked up the previous gen versions of the game, plain and simple. Far Cry 6 feels like an improvement to the series in most areas. It’s definitely a lot better than Far Cry 4 and 5 IMO, but it’s too early for me to decide if it’s better than 3 yet which is my favorite in the series.
  15. I just finished it, and I didn’t cry. The world and gameplay are pretty good with fun combat and exploration, but the story and characters haven’t been very good IMO. The narrator started to annoy me as well, so I turned narration off.
  16. I finished What Remains of Edith Finch, it was a short but bittersweet first person family history mystery that takes place in and around a big several story house. 2021 games Cyberpunk 2077 The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors Crossing Souls Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (second playthrough) The Takeover Evoland Evoland II Red Bow My Big Sister Everreach: Project Eden The LEGO Movie Video Game Rabi-Ribi Shadows of Adam What Remains of Edith Finch
  17. I rage quit Scarlet Nexus near the end because of obnoxious bosses, now I’m playing Biomutant and What Remains of Edith Finch.
  18. I was simply agreeing with @stepee that multiplayer games (battle royale, competitive, co-op, MMO) are more popular with the mainstream than single player games are. There’s still a good amount of single player games, but they’re not quite as popular with the masses as multiplayer games are. One style of single player game that hasn’t been being made as much lately are RPGs, which is a shame since they’re one of my favorite genres. They were somewhat popular for a while, but don’t seem to be as much now for some reason.
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