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Everything posted by legend

  1. The mirror is only chest up? I'm honestly confused by saying there is censorship in the game. It probably has more nudity and explicit sex than any game I've played
  2. It... is everywhere? It's not just the inventory screen. I've had a number of sex scenes that absolutely have nudity (of you and your partner). One that ended hilariously with me being buck naked in front of a crowd of people. I mean, I guess they don't show the pentation, but the game definitely has nudity.
  3. The game (on PC) isn't nearly as buggy as other games that I've played But that aside I'm not sure what you mean by censorship. Did you switch a setting or something? There is a ton of nudity in the game.
  4. I see. Might take time then? I mean, it's definitely not Doom Eternal levels and probably not as good Destiny on the fundamentals (although I do think the combat as a whole is more interesting than Destiny's combat on the whole), but I've been enjoying the combat a lot. Incidentally I mostly use mantis blades which when coupled with double jump and perks to speed you up so so much damn fun. But I also found myself really enjoying the Overwatch iconic sniper rifle on the opposite extreme and some of the revolvers FWIW, the game absolutely takes a some time past the intro where the quests really open up and are really good.
  5. Are you playing on console? I find the gunplay surprisingly good for an RPG and a million times better than the ME1 gunplay, but I've heard that much like other things on the console version, the controls are hot garbage for aiming. I think I also heard that they can be tweaked in the options to be better though? Beyond that though, I *do* think the combat continues to get better as you unlock perks for V.
  6. There are also a number of side quests beyond the core relationship ones that are more than one-shots and are followed up on in multiple subsequent quests. One of them I thought was going to be a one shot has turned into a really interesting plot line. Without giving anything away, it regards the mayor.
  7. I'd like to participate in the meaningless discussion about the face scanner. My best explanation for this silly plot mechanic is that it's not for security, it's for logs, so that they can go back and see who was accessing the data at the time if they need to. In this case, that would actually turn out valuable, because now they actually have information about what Mando looks like.
  8. I'm willing to give end-of-the-year games a bit of a pass this year because of Covid making planning so difficult. If the trend continues I think there will be way too much backlash and they'll have to course correct no matter what. At least I hope so...
  9. For last-gen consoles, maybe a year or just don't do last gen at all. I really don't think the PC version needs a year though. It can still benefit from some performance tuning but absolutely not a year and insisting on better random mass NPCs when there is so much else to the game is nitpicking and a bar no other game has to cross. No game is perfect. But fortunately, you can count on CDPR improving the game for free anyway.
  10. It's such a stupid decision to hide the disparities and release it in its form on last-gen consoles from a company that otherwise has really good practices with consumers. All they did was turn it into a much bigger issue and damage reception of the game.
  11. At some point I'll see how I feel about driving cars when I get a nice one, but right now it's hard to imagine not just using motorcycles forever because they're so much more fun to drive and weave through traffic and super high speeds, and you can get a really good one for only 22K.
  12. The rando civilians and cops are dumb as bricks which is too bad, but it really hasn't factored into my enjoyment of the game in any meaningful way because there is just so much authored content that is really good and does infinitely better world building. I reached a point where there is basically just a constant stream of interesting and often many-mission-deep side quests to do.
  13. I think this is the right call. The game is amazing, but they've really bungled the last gen console release and that will greatly taint the experience.
  14. Just normal, but it was like that for me at first too until you start filling out the blade perks tree. You get extra armor when dashing and abilities that healing for damaging the enemies which makes it far more viable. I just got done doing the Tarot card quest, which normally would be kind of boring, but I did the whole thing just riding my awesome bike around while listening to jazz music and finding cool places along the way. Tons of fun. I really can't emphasize enough how much fun the bikes are in this game when you get a good one. Going 190mph through a beautiful city weaving through traffic in first person is so satisfying. This might be the best motorcycle game I've played!
  15. As I rode with River, the detective, I watched him drive right over a man walking in the middle of an offramp. I listened to the pedestrian yell and the thump of the car while stone-cold River kept on with what he was saying without skipping a single beat. Beyond that, I highly recommend motocycles for this game, and a good one if you can get it. Lots of fun to drive.
  16. I just want to say that double jump + mantis blades + blade perks is really really good and fun. I'm flying all over the place carving people up. I would post but apparently steam screenshots don't work when you're in HDR I'm level 24 with 39 street cred and I'm in a posh suit though
  17. I just found an iconic dildo weapon today, so I think not I don't think driving and shooting is an option, but shooting while you carry someone, or slide, etc. are athletics perks you can get. For the change in buttons, on PC I've found it depends on whether a terminal as two possible functions and it keeps those bindings even if a second function is available. I think the drop off, for example, has F (the most typical interact button) as drop off and R as sell, but if there is notthing to drop off, it's just R. I'd have to double check on that persistence though.
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