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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. So you’re saying the one thing the terf couldn’t copy wholesale from works that came before her is stupid and nonsensical? Weird...
  2. I petition we remove the whole “pedophilia” debate from the equation and just call Gaetz a child fucker.
  3. BRB, I’m storming up to my old high school and demanding they change my D in physics to an A because I wasn’t wrong, just ahead of the curve.
  4. Not even pointing it at the lightbulb. Bush league shit right there.
  5. DMX just barking at his old ass over and over having and neither having any idea who the other is.
  6. Yeah I truly don’t understand paying scalper prices for a console with five new games on it and very few on the near horizon.
  7. Same reason it did in the past but with a different background. People couldn’t afford to own more than one console so they fought about why the console they ended up with was better. Now even if you could afford both consoles, good fucking luck finding one.
  8. Sony - “Oh so Microsoft bought Bethesda eh? Well two can play at that game! Boy! How many times has Skyrim been released? Get Druckmann on the phone...”
  9. King of Monsters is boring. I don’t know how you make that concept boring, but they do.
  10. I think it’s just a brilliant chess move that no one could have ever predicted. Whiny incels and chuds - “Space Jam 2 is nothing but woke cancel culture bullshit because they got rid of Lola Bunny’s fat titties! WB - “So Alex and his droogs are courtside at the big game along with pennywise the child eating clown.” Whiny incels and chuds - “Uh...”
  11. In modern Godzilla movies sure, but it didn’t start out that way. Regardless, there are ways to embrace the fact that human characters don’t matter and Kong vs Godzilla doesn’t. All the humans are boring their backstory and motivation are just brushed aside immediately and they don’t have a single interesting moment. Not to beat a dead horse but Skull Island showed you that you don’t have to care about the humans but at the very least their portion of the movie could be memorable and fun.
  12. Watched it last night. It was a decent watch, nothing amazing. I think the problem is that none of the subsequent movies have managed to find the tone or balance that Skull Island did. Skull Island managed to make the parts without Kong fun and entertaining and also managed to shoehorn in a metaphor of a real life parallel to tell a larger story as well. Sure it was absurdly goofy and over the top, but so was the movie which is what made it fun. King of Monsters wanted to have actual human connection and gravity to the story which is why it was so terrible, meanwhile Kong vs. Godzilla just kind of chooses to do neither. It's not winking enough to be trashy fun and it's not serious enough to make me give a shit about any human being. It has moments of that kind of screwball humor, but not enough. None of the characters are given enough time or personality for me to care about any of them and half of the cast seems to have been chosen based on accent to help keep them apart. More specific thoughts:
  13. If you stab a man with so little force that your hand doesn’t touch them, you need to work on your stabbing technique.
  14. If I was at a dinner table between Matt Gaetz and Tucker Carlson I’d ask the waiter for a streak knife so I could end my life.
  15. Things you absolutely do when a family member is wearing a wire to catch criminals: tell the entire world your family member is wearing a wire to catch criminals.
  16. Remember when Mathew Broderick uses a drug store pregnancy test on godzilla piss and it works just fine?
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