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Everything posted by Kamusha

  1. This reminds me of the leadup to the first Hobbit movie. There were those who were rightly skeptical about The Hobbit being split into three three hour movies and then there were the fans who tried to be optimistic about it no matter what. Obviously we won't know until Thursday whether the wrong time is justified or not, but sometimes the warning signs are just a bit too obvious.
  2. I'm decent looking but I'm not like a model or anything. I spent all of my adult life perfecting my humor-game which is perfect for meeting people in person, but doesn't translate to the online dating scene as well.
  3. I love seeing all the Judas and the Black Messiah love but isn’t it a 2021 film?
  4. I took time yesterday to watch this before it left HBO Max and I’m so glad I did. Fantastic movie.
  5. I should have clarified better. What I meant is that watching my portfolio take a dip as the market went down was an emotional learning experience itself. I have been taking a few of the stock tips posted here to heart, but don’t worry ya’ll, I’ve been doing my own research too! Everything I currently have I’m planning on holding on to for at least a year. Seeing my portfolio dip was painful, but I know it’ll be up again in the long run. Day trading and penny stocks seem fun but not until much later on down the line.
  6. I loved going to Alamo Drafthouse back when I lived in the DC area. It totally lived up to the hype, shame this is happening.
  7. It would be one thing if the blowback was because people were criticizing Hasbro’s performance wokeness, but instead the blowback is because “trans people are ruining this country and are responsible for canceling Mr Potato head.” So the blowback actually stirs up hatred for a vulnerable group that is already much more likely to be violently attacked. Saying this blowback is deserved... is not something someone would say who is at the receiving end of this ire. I don’t like that Hasbro did this, but I’m much more angry about the right wings propagandists who are spinning this and continuing to make the world a dangerous place for people like me.
  8. I’m not here to defend a corporation’s marketing decision but are you saying they deserve a blowback that’s being largely fueled by transphobia? Am I understanding you correctly, that the transphobic reaction is deserved?
  9. There's a reason why you never see the two of us in the same room together.
  10. I have an addictive personality so now that I’m into investing for the first time I totally get how people get hooked on the market. Even though I just buy and hold, I’m constantly checking in on my stocks several times a day. It can be a rush seeing one of my stocks rise! I definitely need to work on my self control now so that I don’t go crazy once my income level increases.
  11. A couple weeks ago I think? I logged back into my old account by accident and then I was like, hey, I prefer my old handle anyways.
  12. Sorry I’m moving this weekend so I had an emotional morning yesterday. I appreciate you. My main beef was @Greatoneshere poking at other users for not liking Snyder. I think it should be perfectly understandable for someone to not like Snyder. I don’t really care if someone likes him, just don’t like the idea that I’m somehow close minded for not resonating with him. One of my best friends is a Snyderverse apologist so we’ll playfully argue about that but he’s also understanding why a queer person wouldn’t resonate with his aesthetic and world view.
  13. Conservatives are blaming this decision on trans people, but I don’t think any of us were specifically asking for this. It’s all marketing. Hasbro figured they can appeal to a wider range of kids by dropping the gender specific language and including both lips in the same box. It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that. I’m tired of being included in the majority of these manufactured culture wars.
  14. Also, I’m not trying to convince anyone to not like Snyder. Only trying to say that maybe be sympathetic towards queer individuals who are tired of all the Snyder worship. But instead I’m not open minded enough so whatever. It’s tiring being queer in largely cis heterosexual spaces. I feel like anytime I express an opinion that goes against the majority opinion it turns into a debate trying to convince me I’m wrong. It’s just exhausting to be honest. I never really feel like I belong in any online space these days, which is sad because I don’t belong in my physical location either.
  15. Well my original point was that can one blame a trans person for not wanting to associate with Snyder movies? And apparently the answer from many members here is that I’m the one in the wrong here. That apparently I’m close minded for not being open to material that is hostile towards queer expressions. And that apparently I’m overthinking for it for even pointing out the problematic nature of a film maker that, I should add, largely does not connect with queer audiences. And his far right base is real. I’ve seen them on Twitter. They were the ones who led the “Release the Snyder cut” movement. So not only is their evidence of this fan base, but Snyder himself has actually benefited from their devotion to him. It’s gross, and left leaning Snyder fans need to be understanding of those who have trouble stomaching that aspect of him. I’m not sure how @Greatoneshere’s views on this somehow outweigh my own.
  16. So the guy who makes problematic movies has problematic fans but isn’t responsible for them somehow? In general I agree with you, but I disagree with the premise that his fans are misunderstanding his films. There is clearly something about his worldview that appeals to them. The creator of the Punisher isn’t responsible for the terrible cops who place the Punisher logo on their cars. But he spoke out against his fans because it clearly bothers him to see his work being used in that way. As a creative person, I feel for him. If Zach Snyder isn’t speaking out publicly that shows me that he doesn’t seem too bothered by having nazi fans, or at the very least values them enough of fans to not upset them. I don’t know about you, but if I ever wrote a story that became very popular amongst Nazis then I would be very bothered by it!
  17. Do people forget just how homophobic/transphobic 300 is? Yeah, I’m sure Zach Snyder, who never distanced himself from his nazi fans, is a great guy. His defenders may claim that his Nazi fans misunderstand his films, but I would argue that they are interpreting better them just fine.
  18. I mean his movies are super macho, men are MEN type movies. They attract a large conservative fan base because that’s a huge part of conservatism. And the politics in his movies are spotty. I’m not saying that he’s a bad guy, but he’s too close to a movement that wants me dead for me to be comfortable with him. His conservative fans are the reason why we even have his version of Justice League coming out. Has Snyder ever distanced himself from his worse fans? I haven’t seen any evidence of that. Look, as a trans girl, why would any of this be appealing to me? His cis-male way of viewing men and masculinity just doesn’t appeal to me. It sucks that people like him continually get a platform over more marginalized individuals.
  19. I should have followed my gut and went in on GME earlier this week. I just don’t have enough to be risking it on meme stocks, so maybe being safe was the right call.
  20. What’s wrong with hating on a director who has a large alt-right fan base? Do you think that happens by accident? His adaptation of Watchmen mistakes Rorschach as a hero. He didn’t leave the fascism out of 300. He wants to adapt The Fountainhead. I could go on and on, but let’s not blame those who have a distaste for him. It’s not like it isn’t earned.
  21. My friend’s older brother had a Dole for Pineapple bumper sticker and I used to find that to be the funniest shit.
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