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Posts posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. 33 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

    No, because I game on my TV. :p But in all seriousness, when I play a game it gets my full undivided attention and I don’t want anything else outside of it distracting me in any way. But that’s me, and I know that everyone is different.


    Well with a PC, a switch, an ipad and a steam deck I can have the TV on while I play other things. Now I don't play EVERYTHING like this. Like when I play Elden Ring I'm kind of locked in I don't have anything on in the background. Story driven games with a lot of dialogue I'll concentrate on. And other games I might not have the TV on but I'll play my own music while I play. I did this a lot when I played Assassin's Creed and it works for a lot of open world games too.


    36 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

    I’ve never been too concerned with finishing games. When I’m no longer enjoying a game for whatever reason, or if I stop playing one to play something else, that’s fine. Maybe I’ll get back to it, maybe I won’t. Who gives a shit? 


    Yeah I don't really care if anyone finishes games, which makes this blow up kind of silly to me. It's as if I personally insulted him or something.

    Hey best, sorry, you complete games. I was wrong. 🤝

  2. 15 minutes ago, best3444 said:

    Never had a TV on or any other distractions while gaming. Again, like I asked, what games don't I finish? You can't say something so fuckin stupid and then not back it up. 


    I named two games you didn't finish. Now take @Biggie's advice and take a big deep breath and relax.

  3. 17 minutes ago, best3444 said:

    This is coming from a guy who rather watch others game online rather than play games yourself. 


    I watch people play games WHILE I play my own games. You don't know anything about how I play games and what I'm playing. Nice try though. :peace:

  4. 3 minutes ago, best3444 said:

    I just don't have any urge to finish Cyberpunk. I'm so fuckin weird I know. I want to try another game but I don't know what now. Forbidden West is an option but I am just confused lol.


    I think you just don't want to finish games despite your "gaming drought"

    Don't want to finish Elden Ring, don't want to finish Cyberpunk, the list goes on

  5. Heheh this game is fun



    This was my first real match so I assume it was real people. I had done hard bot matches before thinking it would at least be a match for a real match but I think the real match was easier than the hard bots.



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  6. spacer.png


    The World of Kanako: 7/10


    The World of Kanako could best be described as an evil version of The Big Lebowki. Koji Yakusho plays Akikazu Fujishima, an alcoholic, mentally unstable, abusive former detective. Add neglectful father to that list as this guy seemingly lives in another world. His wife calls him to tell him his daughter is missing yet he can barely recall what she looks like. The journey of his investigation of what she was up to reveals that maybe she was as bad if not worse than her father as a tale of drugs, violence, suicide and rape begin to unravel. It's a pretty dark movie with subject matter few movies dare to touch. That being said if you can bear to watch this series of events unravel it is well done and certainly an interesting watch.

  7. 3 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

    Looks like you have to eat that with a fork.


    I do this all the time. Eating a pizza with a knife and a fork. Makes sure you don't leave any deliciousness behind and you don't get your hands greasy. Plus as I've said that got me flack from people, you can cut off some crust and mix it with the pizza so you can eat both at the same time rather than leaving the crust for the end.

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