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Posts posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Looking like 3.0 is going to drop in a couple of weeks (the 24th). New element (Dendro) and area :o



    @Commissar SFLUFAN



    The Genshin Impact cost of development is running so high that the gacha RPG is set to break records and surpass the cost of almost every other game


    Only second to Star Citizen 🤔


    Also some promo codes that will last till midnight





  2. spacer.png


    Lone Survivor: 7/10


    Lone Survivor is based on a true story of Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell. You could probably glean from the title that Luttrell is the only one to survive the operation. It is written and directed by Peter Berg and it feels like Peter Berg the movie. The film shows off all his distinct characteristics, the shaky cam, the Explosions in the Sky soundtrack and well I guess that's everything. It follows a military operation of four SEALs sent to capture Ahmad Shah, a Taliban militia leader (at least in real life) but the operation goes wrong when some goat herders find the four SEALs in the mountain and Taliban soldiers engage them in battle.


    The film rings a big hollow for me. It seems to be an overall celebration of the SEALs and survival leaving the "politics" of the situation at the doorstep. Right off the bat the film begins almost like a propaganda piece showing how Navy SEALs train, are we supposed to be impressed here or repulsed? Of course the SEALs are very proud people and the movie shows off that kind of spirit. However, it never takes a hard stance on the war as a whole. It doesn't really go beyond these guys are fighting for each other to get out of here. A lot of it feels conveniently Hollywood as well, while it is based on a true story, it is hard to believe that these villagers went out of their way to fight the Taliban at the kind of scale that is shown in the movie, along with a lot of things towards the end. This part also feels like a "see not all these people are bad people" type of moment while conveniently placing the blame  on the goat herders at the beginning for ratting them out. Supposedly, a lot of this did not happen IRL. In any case Lone Survivor shines in it's brutal depiction of a battle but lacks any sort of bite in any other area.

    • Thanks 1
  3. GettyImages-1384745965-1.jpg?w=1024

    Anne Heche is "not expected to survive" following a horrific crash which left the Emmy-winning actor with a severe brain injury.




    Anne Heche’s family and friends had been hoping for a miracle following the Emmy-winning actor’s horrific car crash last Friday. It didn’t come, and her closest ones are making the difficult decision to take her off life support after she was pronounced brain dead. She is being kept on a ventilator until it’s determined whether any organs not damaged in the crash and subsequent fire can be donated.


    “Unfortunately, due to her accident, Anne Heche suffered a severe anoxic brain injury and remains in a coma, in critical condition. She is not expected to survive,” a rep for Heche’s family and friends told Deadline.


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