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Posts posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. 2 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

    It's worked out great for Epic! No customer reviews, no general critic score or reviews, no forums to discuss technical issues or ask for changes, no communication with anyone at all, can't even message friends. It's so good! Fuck, even Amazon has customer reviews. If Amazon's beating you on pro-consumer functionality you done fucked up. And all of this is super relevant considering the bunch of fucking stuttery poorly optimized piece of shit games that've been coming out (largely from Square Enix, but not exclusively) on the platformr. User reviews won't always (or even often) get a dev to fix something, but it can warn other customers away from a shoddy port without them having to live on Discord or search some ad-ridden piece of shit gaming website or some ad-ridden piece of shit random Youtube channel from a guy who got the game for free and is running it in a 720p window for his review footage and gives it a 10/10.


    Playstation store doesn't have user reviews either. :sickos:


    Maybe that's why everyone is freaking out about those 3 dollar trophy games.


    On the flip side everyone who leaves a review in the Xbox / Microsoft store gives it (the game) a really low rating.

  2. 49 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

    This looks like a game born for the Xbox 360 era and I'm all for it! :sun:


    44 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

    The armor/clothes designs and shit are SO X360 somehow @Mr.Vic20, right on the money. I couldn't really pinpoint it before. It's honestly hideous but the gameplay looks so fun, I'm in.



    Looking kinda like the dude from Darkwatch

    • True 1
    • Halal 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

    This is looking really good, is there a release window for it yet?


    Previous Street Fighter games (IV and V at least) have released around February, so I'd say that's probably where they're aiming.

    At the same time you could also speculate it may not come out by March since it hasn't been announced for Evo Japan (or you could speculate it just hasn't been announced for Evo Japan because it's release date hasn't been announced 🤔 )

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