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Posts posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. 17 hours ago, crispy4000 said:

    Tried out Star Fox Zero a bit.  I forgot how fun having speakers on a controller is, it’s really neat in this game and fits with the cockpit theme.


    Controls are a mixed bag, no surprise there.  But I’m digging the vibe of the game so far, it’s bringing me back.  Having just got off of Panzer Dragoon Remake, I think the on rails sections here are better too.


    Strange how they made it more of a retelling of 64 though.


    Maybe you should switch to this game



  2. 48 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

    Yes, changes happen all the time. But we're not talking about "let's not say that taboo word anymore". We're talking massive overhaul of morphemes. Massive overhauls of grammatical structure take generations to occur and generally are a byproduct of other linguistic phenomenon like contractions or sounds merging or finding a middle between two common sounds found together frequently. Not because a group, even a very large one, decides they want to speak a certain way. I don't think this will catch on personally because the historical data doesn't support such a change occurring. Maybe this is an outlier though.


    The article lists a bunch of other countries that are changing (or attempting to change) their languages to be gender neutral including France so I don't think it's an outlier.

  3. Personally this isn't my fight but if people are trying to be more inclusive with their language I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Even if a linguistics expert says the word is not "masculine or feminine" the kids still perceive it that way and if they don't identify with either of those then they should have their word. I think it's a bit silly to be a purist with linguistics. Languages change all the time, foreign slang is something else. Sure you could be the scholar who speaks proper Spanish, Japanese, Korean, etc but when you talk to some native speakers it's like they are speaking a different language, you're speaking boomer language at that point. Kids are smart and the language is being made to accommodate them so I don't think there is any reason to be worried about the kids getting confused.



    “It just makes you feel really bad,’’ said Agostina Fernández Tirra, 17, who identifies as nonbinary and attends a public school in Buenos Aires. “They put us all in the same box — you are either female or male. Those of us in the middle, who are neither male nor female, it’s like they don’t even consider you.”



    “You can’t prohibit something that’s already so in use,” says Alexandra Rodríguez, an after-school volunteer at a community center. “Language is something that’s always being modified. It’s alive because we are alive — and it will keep on changing.”


  4. 16 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

    I don't have a NYT sub so I can't read the specifics. Are they talking about de-gendering the entire language? An absolute linguistic impossibility overnight? Or are they talking about just when referring to people?




    BUENOS AIRES — Instead of “amigos,” the Spanish word for “friends,” some Spanish speakers use “amigues.” In place of “todos,” or “all,” some write “todxs.” And some signs that would say “bienvenidos,” or “welcome,” now say “bienvenid@s.”


    The changes, which had been informally adopted by teachers in schools across Buenos Aires, were a deliberate effort to include people who don’t identify as male or female in a language where many words are categorized as either masculine or feminine.


    Similar gender-neutral language is being increasingly introduced across Latin America, as well as in other languages, including English and French, by supporters who say it helps create a more inclusive society.


    But to some Spanish speakers, including many academics and politicians, the changes degrade a language spoken by a half-billion people around the world.

    In Argentina, the tension has shifted from a war of public opinion to a battle over policy.


    The city government in Buenos Aires, the nation’s capital, last month banned teachers from using any gender-neutral words during class and in communications with parents. The city’s education minister said such language violated the rules of Spanish and stymied student’s reading comprehension.


  5. 1 hour ago, Phaseknox said:

    Someone listened to me and put the TM above the T so that the name could be centered.


    Probe made 3 of the 4 ports of MKII. SNES version, considered the best version, was made by someone else. So maybe there were 3 different teams at Probe all doing their own thing. :p

    • Shocked 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, DarkStar189 said:

    I skimmed most of the article, started zoning out when it was mentioning all these streamers and companies. Streamers acknowledge kids as young as 11 are "spending their parents money" on their streams and gambling online using vpn's.  That's pretty bad.

    As usual it falls back on the parents. The best you can do is try to stay on top of this shit and expose the con to your kids as young as possible.  I imagine some kids are also growing up with a very skewed view of money. Spend all day watching streamers who work with huge sums of money, passing it around and spending it like it's nothing.  

    Also feels like a whole generation of people are being raised to pump money into pointless digital items. Starts small and feels normal with loot boxes. Over time that same idea graduates to online gambling and sports betting. Slippery slope.


    How does an 11 year old get a VPN? Did they mean "stealing" their parents money? :p

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