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Jack of Some Trades
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Everything posted by Emblazon

  1. Man, I just completed the story part on Zeffo, and I had thought I explored rather heavily... turns out I’m 39% through the planet, with only half the chests opened, and only 2 of 14 secrets. I think I’m going to stay on this planet for a while just exploring and getting better at combat. I’m playing on the default difficulty, and the combat is still challenging. Also, for anyone starting the game—scan everything. You get infinitely more XP from scanning than you do through combat.
  2. Anyone know when the OST will release on iTunes? I’d have thought it would be today, but I can’t find it.
  3. Loved the opening. Felt very Uncharted 2. Which is a good thing. Visuals are fantastic. Fighting is a bit clunky at the moment. I’m playing on the default setting and have already died a few times. Evade doesn’t feel as responsive as it should be.
  4. Hell, Nathan Drake is based around Fillion... even if I thought Nick Lachey was always a better likeness.
  5. I had ordered a physical copy from Amazon, thinking I could wait, then I started seeing post here and on Discord... and now I have the deluxe edition installed on my X, and I won’t be sleeping tonight.
  6. Nakamichi Shockwafe Elite 7.2.4Ch 800W Dolby Atmos Soundbar with Dual 8" Subs (Wireless), Two 2-Way Rear Speakers & Dolby Vision https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HJ2M2Z6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_0BfZDbFVMZM7W Apple TV 4K, and the Ben Q 3550HT 4K projector. 122” image. Absolutely love it.
  7. The Lady and the Tramp live action was actually really good. It’s one of two of the remakes that I’ve enjoyed. The Siamese scene changed, and the beaver sale is gone, but the Italian dinner scene is SO much better/more impactful in live action for some reason. There’s also a ridiculous amount of inclusion in the movie, and I loved it, and it doesn’t take anything away from the original. I’m actually quite surprised there hasn’t been Kaepernick-level uproar from MAGAs about it, yet.
  8. This takes place after Jedi, so, isn’t Boba Fett kinda dead? Rotting in the stomach of a Sarlaac pit? Not to mention, there’s a scene with a bunch of Mandalorian warriors/bounty hunters. Completely different character. Thankfully. I have zero interest in the Fetts.
  9. Let me tell you. A New Hope in Atmos. HO-LEE FUK. So, the 20th Century/Lucasfilm fanfare plays in mono/stereo at the beginning, then the STAR WARS soundtrack hits you in full ATMOS.
  10. Oh, most definitely start with ME2. Because then you don’t have anything to base it off of. With ME2, there’s no need to play ME1.
  11. I never said Zombi was a game of the decade. And I have an unholy hate for ME2. It’s up there with Unforgiven and Revenge of the Sith for things that are praised which I hate and despise. And there’s not much that I hate... but I seriously fucking hate ME2. If you complete the loyalty mission, the character survives. If you don’t finish the loyalty mission, the character dies. It’s that simple. So you have crappy game mechanics, the removal of exploration, a bunch of loyalty missions with new characters you don’t really care about, and 5 main missions. That’s ME2. All rolled up into a shiny EA package of stiff, emotionless line delivery and the shoddiest of “cinematic” cut backs. And it ends with the literal same shot as the first game. ME2 takes your character from 1, takes everything away, then builds you right back up to where 1 left off. Why does ME2 even exist? Oh, yeah, money. That’s it. I’d rather subject myself to Superman 64 than ever going back and revisiting ME2. The hate FLOWS through me with ME2. Ok, I think I’m done. FUCKING FUCK MASS EFFECT 2. For real this time, I’m done.
  12. I’ve got Endgame. It doesn’t appear on my phone app, but it does on Apple TV. Wasn’t supposed to be available until December. Have only seen it once in theaters.
  13. Zombi was exceptional on Wii U. That controller added a LOT to the immersion and gameplay. That being said, I couldn’t play the game with that controller for more than an hour at a time, so I never got very far in the game.
  14. Saying it’s a nicer pile of shit, doesn’t make it any less of a pile of shit. In regards to storytelling & gameplay, have you not played any of the umpteen Sony first party games over the past decade or so?
  15. For now, I just came in here to say FUCK MASS EFFECT 2. Fuck it hard. • Shittier mechanics than the first game • Like 5 main missions in the entire game • Side quests have zero impact on the game • Completing character quests is only thing that dictates who lives or dies • Game ends LITERALLY in the exact same position as the first game EA fucking destroyed that series. ME2 is the biggest “filler” game in the history of gaming.
  16. I just want the app so I can connect my payment to my Apple account.
  17. Can’t believe the app isn’t available to download yet.
  18. While I do adore five movies on the list, honestly, Cloverfield is probably the best film on that list. But fuck those last two movies on the list. Fuck them hard.
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