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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. No, I acknowledge that sexual dimorphism is a thing and I know that the destruction of gender / sex based sports and leagues would, on account of patriarchy, make things shittier for women’s sport in general. None of that makes what took place in the OP any less shitty and dumb.
  2. My point is that shitty people look at girls / womens sport, see someone crushing it, and assuming they must be a guy / male because their grasp of these things starts and stops at “girls weak boys strong.” Or that thought gets brought up as a justification for dragging women athletes when they succeed as seen by all the internet phrenologists who look at someone like Ledecky and think she’s a man, or the OP in this thread. The “well actually, boys are stronger and faster” crowd offers no insight, no value, no propositions. It is peak reply guy behavior and they should be encouraged to be silent.
  3. Comparing someone who is in the top percent of a percent of a percent of male tennis players who have ever walked the earth to Serena Williams proves absolutely nothing. Again, sexual dimorphism exists, and Serena Williams would rinse 99%+ of men, and today’s men would cream peak male players from the not too distant past. Looking at outliers is pointless. Again, feel free to get to a point at any time. We’re just now getting to the point where some people accept that gender is a social construct. People need to acknowledge that sex is ALSO a social construct. And before anyone’s anus prolapses, I don not mean that biology is not relevant. I merely mean that “sex” is a term made up by people to categorize natural phenomena that has turned out to be significantly more nuanced than male and female. There are a non trivial amount of intersex people, our understanding of how what we presently understand to be sex hormones truly impact development, athletic performance, etc., is just beginning to come together. So with that in mind it’s not that sex is a useless determinant, it IS a relevant one. But the playing field is never going to be level. My first serious girlfriend was barely 5’ tall, she was good at gymnastics and couldn’t have been a high jumper. My wife is 6’ tall, she was one of the best high jumpers in Mass growing up, but if you asked her to do a cartwheel her spine would tear out of her body and she’d fuckin die. So what are we going to do? Genetic screening for any meaningful athletic competition? Hormone levels? Height cutoffs? Arm length? All of these approaches have flaws and you get into truly gross territory adjacent to eugenics REALLY quick when someone starts advocating for “born females only competing against born females.” If it ends these stupid arguments, please, I’m begging you.
  4. I don’t know anyone that would deny that sexual dimorphism in humans exists; I certainly do not. That said the differences are not as pronounced as people assume and that leads to the stupidity like the content listed in the OP in this thread. Shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup.
  5. The bell curves for these things, in general, across the sexes are much closer than people assume. Looking at the Olympics / professional sports to determine if there is meaningful sexual dimorphism is a fundamentally flawed approach.
  6. Oh I’m surprised at you, you know a lot of surgeons with reasonable egos that know when to stop?
  7. There has to be a non zero chance that Elon will show up and just fuckin kill me now
  8. Found Iris’s license plate after Nora and Bart are born @Jason @skillzdadirecta
  9. I guess this is part of the thing, all the Endless in the comics look pretty different depending on the artist and who's perceiving them. Despair doesn't always look goblin-like, but she does in some appearances. So I guess if you're going to normal up Despair like they did to Dream, sure she'd just look like a big girl. But the manifestation of Dreams looking like a normal dude hits different than the manifestation of Despair looking like someone you wouldn't do a double take on if you saw her on the subway.
  10. Finished just now. Overall I really liked it! I think most of the "issues" I have are that the impact of some scenes don't match up with my head canon. But at this point, like I said in my earlier post, I can't really divorce whether or not that's because the show misfired or because I read the comics so much when I was growing up that my memories are punching above their weight class. In any event it's a high class problem and considering what a minefield adapting this must have been, it's hard to complain. I will say the one thing I think they did an actual bad job on was Despair. She's just... a big girl? That's pretty fucking grim. I appreciate that they're not going to have someone naked and filthy and borderline orcish like she was in the comic for the most part, but that casting felt pretty mean.
  11. Obviously I don't know about this specific, individual gun, but the general Single Action Army model in question here CAN fire without the trigger being pulled, which is why people often don't chamber a round in the chamber directly below the hammer if they're carrying one.
  12. If Rand Paul came out in favor of drinking water, I would be dead in however long it takes a human being to dehydrate.
  13. Honestly I can't even talk about the actual bombing because it makes absolutely zero fucking sense at all. The blast was big enough to rip off almost a whole side of JSC and completely destroy mission control but the only thing Jimmy, 25 feet away from the blast, suffers is the indignity of the world's most embarassing God of War cosplay? Dude should be vapor. The show has nuclear powered spaceships so I know we're adjacent to Hogwarts, but Jesus Christ.
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