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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. I had a single Legendary this morning off a Legendary Contract boss, the Spider Mech. Lots of Masterworks today in all the things I did, but the Legendary's are still scarce.
  2. Yeah GM2 is rather easy now... haven't tried GM3 much yet though without a proper squad.
  3. I think at this point it’s all a crap shoot. Nothing seems to be definitively any better than anything else.
  4. They def need to tweak the Legendary drop rate though, way way way too rare for how random the item might be and all the possible rolls. I don't want crazy amounts of loot so it still feels exciting, but its way too rare in its current form.
  5. Yeah, I can see that. Since that Reddit post I've seen Objective mobs dropping wayyyy more than they were previously. Legendary Contracts naturally spawn all higher tier enemies for the most part so its easily one of the best objectives for drops. Before that post though I'd do 3 Legendary Contracts a day and end up with just the guaranteed MW's, now I'm leaving with at least 5 or so between the 3 of them, typically better.
  6. Those specific like dozen of Scorpions have dropped more Legendaries and Masterwork for me than the thousands of Scars and Scorpions I've killed throughout the rest of the mission.... In Free Roam I've gotten as many Legendary and MW from killing random Brutes or Crabs than killing the thousands of objective based enemies I've killed... While sure there's no way to know 100%, where there's smoke there's fire. It def seems like the random mobs have higher drop rates than objective based mobs. It was even shown true, an Elite Yellow Health enemy guaranteed a drop outside of an objective but in an objective they didn't. I don't necessarily think the argument is their loot table is better, its just they just naturally had a higher drop chance cause they weren't part of an objective which seemed to be 100% true. And with more drops you're just more likely to possibly get a Legendary. Since that guys Reddit post ive noticed a huge increase in drops from the objective based mobs now in Strongholds too. Where I barely had any drops I not get a ton. I'd say they probably adjusted that realizing their mistake.
  7. I have made an Interceptor build which just wrecks with Melee + Ult. Still trying to fine tune it but man I did Heart of Rage GM2 yesterday with 3 teammates that were always dead and I basically solo'd everything... just need to get my Ult quicker and man it'll be unstoppable.
  8. Well how many hundreds of Contract enemies have you killed vs random enemies in the game world? Its obviously all random, and I have a feeling they may have server side changed after it was brought to light, but I've killed thousands upon thousands of objective enemies vs a few hundred non contract enemies and probably have more Legendary drops off the non objective enemies. This Reddit post is basically my experience.... I think I've had 2 Legendary drops off the Scorpions in between objectives while 0 during the enemies in the objectives themselves.
  9. Got a Legendary during a GM2 Legendary Contract.... From one of those crab things not part of the mission.... of course
  10. They added in new Universal Masterwork Components... so there's that
  11. This update seems t have messed up more than its fixed.... i guess thats what happens when you rush something out It seems last night loot drops were another "glitch" of sorts. People bitching a lot on Reddit about how its bad again today. I can't get any MW Embers to drop from harvesting anymore, before they dropped quite commonly. I liked Free Play cause collecting Embers would help me with crafting later on... I can now run GM2 Free Roam pretty easily, but the drops don't feel much better. I guess I am seeing a bit more MW maybe, but if I need Legendary's to drop and they are still way too uncommon, its not much of a help. It'll be nice to take a break and get into Division 2 and give Bioware some time to figure shit out. It's pretty clear they are just kind of swinging wildly right now without really thinking things through too wisely. They are rushing out patches without properly testing them. It probably does more harm to rush something out that results in things feeling just as broken as it would to wait and get it right....
  12. Finished it, got 2 Masterworks off the boss, so i guess its not hard coded anymore. No Legendary's today though, but plenty of Masterworks. If it was 3 well built Javelins on my squad GM2 would've been a breeze as well. I'm even running my Luck build which is barely optimized at all.
  13. I mean with the right build my Melee is doing like 14k per hit, pre patch it was like 2.7k? Running Heart of Rage on GM2.... with guys running rather low Power Level Javelins.... Lets see how it goes.. After the update my Javelin is a 650 something... my squad are all 400's -- So far still not too hard on GM2 even with these under leveled Javs
  14. 13 minutes to beat Heart of Rage on GM1... Also been getting MW Components for my other Javelins now since the update.
  15. Haha so they let you Respawn on Heart of Rage, but you can't get back into the fight cause the fog of war crap where the Fury fight is.
  16. Yeah i understand that, but now i have no reason to use my guns on Interceptor now It seems maybe the serverside update was for Strongholds? It seems like the mobs maybe dropping way more than they used to Maybe that guy with the 44 Legendary's post made them relook at that.
  17. They may have corrected too far one way. Melee is now doing like 9k damage with my Interceptor? GM1 feels like a joke.
  18. I'm gonna just run around some Free Roam to test for now. If anyone wants to stop in to chat. https://mixer.com/JPDunks4
  19. Told you Free Roam was where its at. Update just went live for me, 4gb download.
  20. Nice tomorrow!! They wanted it out for the weekend! Better not break more stuff.
  21. Me Skillz and ARZ just did some GM2 Free Play. Did 2 World Events, Killed 2 of the Ash Titans, and cleared 1 Dungeon.... I think Skillz got 2 MW, nothing for me and ARZ. I did die and have to respawn so I didnt see my loot from the last Titan... Maybe there was a Legendary in there. GM2 just aint worth it at all. Just takes much longer to kill things and the drops just dont seem any bit better than GM1.
  22. I definitely feel I get way better loot in Free Play. The stronghold for me feels like its all about the chests with little chance from the mobs. The boss is essentially a waste cause no chance at a Legendary. I feel I can hit many more World Events and mobs as well as collect resources and work towards unlocking my Gear Masterwork Blueprints in Freeplay.
  23. I've tested it already, and he is right. I always knew clearing out trash mobs guaranteed the higher leveled enemies show up after a few waves, I just never knew they guaranteed an item drop. So you'll still get plenty of crap drops, but their loot tables are higher and therefore the chances of Legendary drops are definitely increased. I always wondered why killing all those Legendary enemies in the Stronghold never dropped crap so I basically didn't bother with them in Freeplay. Now that i know they always will drop an item I'll def be killing them more often. I did about an hour of Freeplay just now and got 4 MW and 1 Legendary from it. And basically go into all Caves, cause typically theres a instance of those waves of enemies...
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