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Everything posted by Jwheel86

  1. Of those three states he only needed one, Hillary needed all three, as will the democrat in 2020 unless it can be made up somewhere else.
  2. Air Force Space Command was elevated to be co equal with the US Air Force within the Department of the Air Force as the US Space Force. It's commander is now the Chief of Space Operations and is now a member of the Joint Chiefs, he is also dual hated as the commander of US Space Command (which breaks a bunch of fucking rules established by Goldwater Nicols). 14th Air Force is now Space Operations Command within Space Force and Space Command's space component and runs the half a dozen Space Wings. The NDAA bar the transfer of reserves and guard until Space Force Reserves and the Space National Guard is formally created. What make this divorce tricky is, unlike the other branches of the military, Air Force Wings are responsible for managing their own bases. So when the 30th Space Wing became part of Space Force, so did Vandenberg Air Force Base since they are the host for that base. So more than half of each Space Wing's units and personnel are going to have to be from the Air Force. The Navy and Marines kind of have that relationship, Marines protect Navy nukes, Navy provides medial services, but not to the level Space Force is going to need. Which begs the question, who pays and how much say will the Air Force have regarding how Space Force bases are ran? This is all the stuff in 30th Space Wing that has to be divided up: 30th Operations Group (30 OG) 30th Space Communications Squadron (30 SCS) 2d Range Operations Squadron (2 ROPS) 30th Range Management Squadron (30 RMS) 30th Weather Squadron (30 WS) 30th Operations Support Squadron (30 OSS) 30th Launch Group (30 LCG) 1st Air and Space Test Squadron (1 ASTS) 4th Space Launch Squadron (4 SLCS) 30th Launch Support Squadron (30 LCSS) 30th Mission Support Group (30 MSG)[1] 30th Contracting Squadron (30 CONS) 30th Security Forces Squadron (30 SFS) 30th Force Support Squadron (30 FSS) 30th Logistics Readiness Squadron (30 LRS) 30th Civil Engineer Squadron (30 CES) 30th Medical Group (30 MDG) 30th Medical Operations Squadron (30 MDOS) 30th Medical Support Squadron (30 MDSS) This divorce is going to be a mess.
  3. Been reading deeper into plans for Space Force... Space National Guard is going to be a thing....
  4. Depends on how well the Department of the Air Force helps out Space Force. If Space Force starts having to stand up their own basic training and training pipe lines, then it's over. Especially if those pipe lines are things that aren't space related, like Medical or Security Forces, or are the Air Force going to continue to provide those services on Space Force bases?
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/dec/20/lottery-prize-zolgensma-drug-zolgensma-children-muscle-wasting-disease Huge debate about this drug in the SMA community over the price and complete unknown of long term effectiveness, especially given the high cost of the alternative therapies.
  6. Michigan, Penn, and Wisconsin already rejected an establishment candidate in favor of Trump who himself ran on free healthcare. Moderates haven't won the White House since Bill Clinton. The rise of the right and the left is being fueled by the failure of moderates to deliver. Obama, Sanders, and Trump are all products of the same thing.
  7. Those countries don't have Republicans who will sabotage the public option to make it uncompetative with private insurance, drive costs up, and then declare it failed. Universal programs are the only programs that work in our political environment.
  8. This is definitely going to come up tomorrow, but an interesting twist would be asking Biden if a woman can win. 50-50 chance he screws up the answer.
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