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Everything posted by Jwheel86

  1. Billionaire with a trophy wife and gold plated apartment vs the uptight billionaire who wants to take your guns and tax sodas. Trump wins that easy.
  2. Caucus and a Primary are different things, just a different voting method. To get the nomination you need 1991 delegates to vote for you at the DNC Convention. The DNC gives each state a set number of delegates based on population and other factors. Each state then holds a caucus or a primary to distribute the delegates to the candidate, Democrats divide up delegates proportionally. Each state also has their own rules for if independents and other party members can vote in the party primary. If your candidate drops out, they keep their delegates going into the convention. The nomination process has nothing to do with the general in November beyond picking the nomination.
  3. That's child's play. Every four months Duke buys a dose of Spinraza from Biogen for $125,000. Duke then bill BCBSNC for $765,709.00 (procedure, evaluation, labs, documentation, and doctor fees billed separately) and receives $368,306.03. $243,306.03 profit for sending a fax requesting pre authorization from BCBSNC and another to Biogen ordering the drug, every four months, per SMA patient (#1 genetic killer of infants).
  4. Orion could go to the ISS easily but SLS is stupid expensive ride to just low orbit and really overpowered. Originally Orion was supposed to go to the ISS on top of a Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster (with a centaur upper stage) but it was found to be unsafe in abort scenarios (escape motors couldn't out run the SRB and the falling fire would torch Orion's chutes). Orion will likely only fly 3 times before Starship takes over lunar missions (or maybe Dragon to Gateway using Falcon Heavy).
  5. It doesn't matter. Unless Buttigieg can pull his minority numbers up, he's not a threat to Sanders since Buttigieg is pulling moderate votes away from an actual threat.
  6. Assuming no fuckery (lol I know), if he loses he will resign during the transition. He isn't going to [Dem]'s inauguration.
  7. I don't think it can be Warren because of her age, am I crazy for thinking Yang is Bernie's best pick for VP?
  8. Sun shine is the best disinfectant, Bernie or Warren as the nominee would let their people (who hate the DNC) open the books and clean house.
  9. I've got CNN on, it's all about Buttigieg. Bernie has a viable path to the nomination, especially if Biden implodes and he gets a healthy share of the minority vote them.
  10. The media's amplification of Buttigieg is really journalism malpractice. Unless he massively turns his numbers around with minorities, which is very unlikely, he's not a viable candidate. Every time the media fails to mention that, they are encouraging voters to unknowingly throw their vote away. This isn't ideology or opinion even, it's just a reality the media all know.
  11. If accurate, Biden and Klobuchar are almost out of money, and Buttigieg is about to run face first into a wall of black and brown opposition. Bloomberg not withstanding this could turn into a Warren vs Sanders race. Crazy.
  12. Trillions of dollars trade hands daily accurate, mostly, down to the penny.Yet we can't figure out how to count heads on different sides of the room?
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