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Everything posted by johnny

  1. I think Green Book is the second weakest best picture after Crash. There’s nothing that wrong about the movie, it just kind of exists. Tells its story, makes white people feel good, and that’s it.
  2. Apollo 11 part of First Man was jaw dropping tbh. I wouldn’t have minded either way but I’m glad First Man got recognized.
  3. Well it's clear you were expecting a different movie/exact same Luke.
  4. Have you gotten your Knights of Kathleen Kennedy (KKK for those of you who don’t know) membership card in the mail yet?
  5. My dad is one of the OGs that watched A New Hope in the theatres (the first time) and he liked 7 and loved 8. Guess he’s not a real one though lol.
  6. I have no idea how he shit on everything before it. If you want to prove a point you might want to start by using non biased language.
  7. It’d be ridiculous to not think they were at least considering deviating from his script in certain ways before deciding to leave it. It also matters who they get to take over for Gunn. And i I don’t think Disney would really be crying over the money for the script if they wanted to scorch earth James gunn but I’m glad they aren’t.
  8. Same shit. I’m sure they played around with changing things and it wasn’t as good so they’re leaving it.
  9. They probably couldn’t change the script and still make it sound like a good movie so they gotta roll with it.
  10. Movies are most definitely getting better. Yeah you can argue that the top 10 movies from one decade are better than the top 10 from this decade but at that point it’s all semantics and personal preference because you’re talking about the best of the best. I’ve watched over 100 movies each year the last few years and there are sooooo many good fucking movies. Not saying there are a ton of films better than Full Metal Jacket, but we are getting an impressive amount of quantity AND quality. A lot of old movies are nostalgic and groundbreaking so they’ll always be held in a special light but there have been plenty of movies that are just as good or even better than them. Nightmare on Elm Street is an all time classic but it’s irresponsible to say there haven’t been better movies from the same genre since. Yeah, they use that influence to reach those heights, but it is what it is. They’re better.
  11. Only interested in this if it plans on providing a real look at him. But he’s alive and is Hulk Hogan so not getting my hopes up.
  12. Vice was horrible. I don’t even think Bale was that great either. He played a boring old white guy and the script wasn’t that great so maybe he could have done amazing but it was all meh.
  13. Yeah the ending was half “okay let’s wrap these two-three storylines up kinda” and half “we need to set up a sequel”. Which, really? James Cameron wrote this and AVATAR did not set up a sequel unless you count the guy transferring into his na’vi body a set up. And they’re making like 20 of those. If anything just leave a small seed towards the end or do an after credits scene to tease people. Besides how they handle the end i really I really enjoyed it.
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