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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. Also, can we talk about how fucking sick the Orc designs are? They look fucking scary. And I love how they're incorporating more of how Orcs can't move in sunlight. The movies got around this by just basically only showing Orcs at night (except for the Uruk-Hai, who can move during the day)
  2. The "problem" with Harfoots is that they were proto-hobbits (along with Stoors and Fallohides), and Tolkien says Hobbits don't enter the record until the Third Age. The Shire doesn't exist until something like year 1600 of the Third Age (the movies take place around year 3000 of the Third Age) But like... here's the thing. Damn near everything Tolkien ever wrote about the Second Age could fit in like one single chapter of a book. There really isn't a way to adapt it to fill a narrative with a beginning, middle, and end, without inventing a bunch of shit. And honestly, from a world building perspective, proto-Hobbits probably were kicking about in the Second Age, but it would have been before anyone noticed them. They point this out in the first episode. Tolkien says of Hobbits that they can basically become invisible to Men if they want to. The men of Rohan came up with the word for them ("holbytla"), and thought of them the same way we think of like leprechauns or whatever. So yeah, anything the show does is blasphemous unless it's something Tolkien specifically wrote, the problem being he barely wrote anything about the story they're trying to adapt.
  3. Oh hell yeah you soggy shit bags, let's fucking get it I'm far more pumped for this than I thought I would be like 3 weeks ago.
  4. I mean, it is basically expensive fan fiction, but still, any time we get some giant budget action fantasy series, I'll give it a go for that reason alone.
  5. I know it has something to do with testosterone levels while you sleep, but to me it seems like it also would have something to do with having to pee while asleep, which causes your taint to clench, drawing blood to the region. But that's just my broscience.
  6. Not sure if I've just been lucky, but every flight I've had over the last couple years has left on time. Actually scratch that, now that I think about it, I had a flight out of Vermont that got cancelled last year. I ended up having to take a different flight at like 5am that had a 5 hour layover. edit: And that wasn't because of lack of flight crew, it was because of lack of passengers.
  7. 108 sucks regardless of humidity. 108 *with* humidity is straight ass, though. There were a few days in May or June in New Orleans where it hit ~102-103, and that was awful. You have to try and get everything you need done for the day accomplished by 9am because it's already like fucking 90 out by then. There were giant ass lines at the grocery store and the bank as soon as they opened because people were trying to take care of that shit early. Once it hit noon, no one was trying to do anything. Plus, a hot tip if you have a small/window AC unit: try not to keep the temperature more than 20 degrees cooler than the temperature outside. I live in an old building with like a jerry-rigged central air system that's basically connected to a window unit, and I do not want that shit to break.
  8. I'm gonna be looking out for all the people who are determined to hate it because there are black people in it.
  9. That's the thing for me, as well. I think a lot of people don't think about the psychological power dynamic, as you put it. In my head, I'm like if I approached someone who was 18 years old to get them to have sex with me, I know exactly what to say and how to act to make that happen. It's manipulative by its very nature. But the people doing it don't see it that way, they just think they're really charming or whatever. I watched a video about Jeffrey Epstein the other day, and one thing that struck me is that he never saw himself as a predator. He may have known on some level that what he was doing was wrong (he definitely knew it was illegal), but he thought of himself as this really charming guy that girls loved to be around. The power imbalance never occurred to him.
  10. I thought the trailer was great. I do wonder if it will have the same problem a lot of parody movies have in that it would have been better as an SNL skit
  11. Tl;dr, there's pretty much always a proactive party and a reactive party. It's very rare that issues get so divided that people can't team up, and that's the only time you end up with multiple parties on a national level.
  12. The only time multiple parties have existed at the same time on a national level in this country is when an issue comes up that doesn't necessarily fit within party lines, but is so important that everyone has to draw their line in the sand. The US government was essentially a one party state on a national level from 1804 to 1828-ish, when the Jacksonian Democrats split off from the rest of the party and were popular enough to win power. Then you got the Whig party, which never really had a solid platform other than "not Democrats," they basically were a loose conglomeration of anyone who didn't like Andrew Jackson. Jackson was hated by enough people that the Whigs still won the presidency twice simply on the platform of "we don't like Andrew Jackson," but they disintegrated as the party never had a consistent position on slavery, which became an issue throughout the 1850's about which everyone had to draw a line in the sand. Then you had another split, with Republicans being the anti-slavery party, Southern Democrats being the slavery party, and Northern Democrats and the Constitutional Union Party being the "let's talk about this later" parties. Then, from about 1861-1880 the country once again became effectively a one-party state on a national level. But for the most part, at any given time in the US, you have one party who has a platform, and the other party who campaigns on "not that." For the last 10 years or so, outside of culture war bullshit, the Republicans have been the party of "we don't know what we want other than Democrats bad." Their whole platform has been trying to stop Democrats from doing anything and distracting people with culture war bullshit to disguise the fact that they don't actually have any kind of plan for government. For most of my life up until 2010-ish, the Democrats were that party. They didn't necessarily have a plan other than "not Republicans." It's crazy to think about how much the culture war rhetoric has ramped up over the last 20 years. I wonder if something happened around 2008-2010 that changed that...
  13. I'm a giant pussy when it comes to scary games. BioShock was too scary for me.
  14. I'm also bummed out that it's not renewed. I didn't think it was the best show ever, but I was down for a season 2. Anecdotally, I've never played League of Legends and I fucking loved Arcane. I've also never played a RE game other than RE4, and I liked the show.
  15. That's one thing I love in how they've done it. The ones who act out the most against Viserys are Corlys, Daemon, and Rhaenyra, but those three are also ultimately the ones who are most loyal to him, even if they act petulantly. Daemon, for all of his actions, does seem to legitimately love his family, and would stop short of harming them. Rhaenyra does love her father, and even Daemon, to a degree. Corlys has his own agenda, but has been very clear about what he wants from the beginning, he's not scheming behind anyone's back (or at least he wasn't before). Meanwhile, you have Otto, who is whispering in the King's ear the whole time that everyone else has their own agenda and are just using the King for their own purposes. No shit, everyone else has made their personal agendas clear - the only one who hasn't is Otto. And Viserys is the only one who doesn't see it.
  16. I usually don't wake up with morning wood, but if I do it's usually just because I have to pee really bad. I go pee=morning wood goes away. My involuntary boners usually happen around an hour and a half after I wake up. That's when I take care of business before I have to go take care of business.
  17. I think I want to save up for a gaming laptop. I've moved like 3 times in the last 18 months and probably will again in the next month. Lugging around a giant PC is starting to get tedious.
  18. The "new" gods is the faith of the Seven, which was a religion brought to Westeros by the Andals when they came to Westeros from Essos some 2-4,000 years before the events of the books. The "Old Gods" is the religion of the First Men, who lived in Westeros before the Andals came. Most of the northern houses are descended from the First Men, and largely keep to the old religion. Because it's a pagan religion, people kind of believe that the Seven have no power in the North, etc, which is why they'll say "by the old gods and the new." The followers of R'hllor, the followers of the Drowned God, and those in Braavos who worship the "God of Death" are the only ones who don't recognize the Seven or the Old Gods at all, which is why at least the followers of R'hllor (Melisandre) aren't usually particularly welcomed in Westeros. They're viewed like a cult. R'hllor represents fire and light, while his counterpart, the Great Other, represents darkness and cold. The followers of R'hllor believe that there will be a prophecied hero who will defeat the God of Death, which is why Melisandre was so hell bent on thinking she found him in GoT. The hero is supposed to wield a sword called "Lightbringer," which could be looked at as an interpretation of the name "Lucifer." So maybe the hero reborn doesn't save the world, he causes it to burn. Who knows. So, to compare to real world religions, the followers of R'hllor are the most like Christians. ....
  19. What one of those people said was great: "I have a full-time job, I make over six figures, I'm single, quiet, and I can't afford to live here? Who is the housing market for?" There are a lot of people saying the bounce back in the housing market is for landlords to recoup their "losses" from the pandemic. That makes no fucking sense. You don't see McDonald's charging $10 for a cheeseburger on Tuesday because they had a slow day on Monday, that's not how this works.
  20. He basically says that his video got supressed/age restricted for showing certain content in a game, then pointed out to YouTube that Markiplier showed the exact same shit from the same game and didn't get supressed/age restricted. Iirc YouTube was first like "whoops we fucked up" then was like "nvm" and ended up age restricting Markiplier's video, too.
  21. It would be kind of weird if we went back to the political parties of 100 years ago. In 1912, there were progressive wings in each party. Economics wasn't really a single party issue really until Nixon/Reagan. Economically, all 4 candidates who ran for president in 1912 would be considered socialist as fuck by today's standards. Tax the rich, break up the corporations, impose income tax, let women vote (or let the states decide), end child labor, protect the environment, etc were all basically universally supported among everyone at the time. Coming out as emphatically against any of those things was political suicide in national politics, regardless of party. Then Teddy Roosevelt had to go in and fuck everything up by creating a third party because he was mad he didn't get the Republican nomination and we ended up with fucking 8 years of Woodrow fucking Wilson, who sucks and is bad. I love Teddy Roosevelt, I think he might be the greatest president we've ever had, but goddamn that was a misstep. For those that don't know, Woodrow Wilson was a massive racist dick, and a lot of the culture war bullshittery we deal with today was gleefully spurred along by him. And honestly Teddy, only twice in American history has a sitting president not been nominated by his own party for re-election to a second term (Tyler, who had already split with the Whig party anyway because he was an asshole, and Pierce, who was a massive drunk and an idiot. No shame on him, he watched his only son die in front of him in a train accident literally like two months before he took office, that will fuck anyone's life up, have a drink on me), you basically have to be the worst for that to happen. But Teddy Roosevelt was nothing if not a massive egomaniac, so whatever, here we are. .... what was this thread about again?
  22. @sblfilms What is a project you attempted that failed miserably and what happened?
  23. @Jason Do you consider all your years of education "worth it" (whatever that means to you), and do you find that it benefits you day-to-day?
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