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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Trump must have been sipping on a Slurpee when the towers came down.
  2. A "centrist" is something the media makes up since they have no idea what's right or left or what the spectrum is, so if the idea is new, it's "far-left" and the centrist might vote against the president once.
  3. Here's the cited article: https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/gy4pp3/heres-why-ecuador-kicked-assange-out-of-the-embassy
  4. ERQJWEORJQWON ERIOQWCNERCCRNIQ@ORq2c r3@QwqVERQ@%*N@#)*%NQ@(#%*@NQ(V#%*N@Q(#%Q@3r aevRVQ@N(#N*@(V#Q*($ 1PLUS1EQUALSMOTHERFUCKING2@#U(Q#UG$I$#QGI#$GU(#Q@$ That laugh at the end was pretty cool
  5. SFLUFAN posted this in the Celebration thread, but I wanted to post it in general to those not following that thread.
  6. It's amazing that the guy who Assange shamelessly helped (after pretending Wikileaks was also trying to get Trump's taxes) has a DOJ that did this, when a Clinton administration may not have went after him. That last part is a guess from me, though; I could be way off.
  7. It's almost as if incels don't want a woman to be the stuff of (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) legend. YEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
  8. I really enjoyed the horde video and how they constructed it in the game. For those who haven't watched the video yet: the hordes are more an endgame thing that can still be tracked down early in the game, but they talk about how, through testing, people tried to take them on just because they're there, they're migrating, they're in the world, and they wanted to see how they could handle them. You'll probably just die early on, but it is pretty cool that, for a while, they'll be something to avoid or utilize to your advantage against other enemies.
  9. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/transgender-military-ban-trump-administration-ban-on-transgender-troops-goes-into-effect/
  10. Ehhhhh I get it, but I think people overall need to realize that many gay people aren't stereotypically fruity.
  11. I'll be honest: I'm loving these, though I've only laughed at a few so far. But the entire idea and what it's making fun of have been really enjoyable for me.
  12. It all came from this: And then the variations: Once you've seen one, you know the punchline, but whatever; I'm enjoying the variations!
  13. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47898572 The father helped with the arrest:
  14. I love that this thread exists because if he became the nominee, ByWat can now say 2012's "moment" line was a fluke. All in good fun! I'm glad you're posting here more.
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