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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Yes, they are in office. Democratic leaders have also said to hold Democrats accountable once they're voted in; ignoring it or changing the argument means they can do whatever they want, even if it's bad policy (see: Iraq War). The vote really doesn't make much sense unless they actually believe this, and in Sinema's case, I highly doubt it.
  2. I've no idea how reliable the source is, but I know one of Kinda Funny's hosts said Spidey 2 is coming way sooner than we'd think (it was some episode from the second half of 2019, I forget which). So it wouldn't surprise me regardless if this is a 2021 game.
  3. Even though I watched both last year, I'm probably going to go into the Frasier/Seinfeld well again because they're big feel-good shows for me. I've been thinking of subscribing to HBO Go at some point (have some movies on the backlog to watch with the lady) to watch Veep. I watched two seasons that were available on Amazon Prime and loved it, but I need to watch the rest!
  4. I dunno; Shinobi on Reset (pretty reliable insider) said people would get excited to see the price once all the details have emerged. I don't think that means it's like the PS3 which was technically a good deal for the 599 US Dollars but required people to get 17.3 jobs.
  5. In addition to this, I feel most games targeting 30fps have been vastly more consistent this generation than last. Compare the Uncharted games to Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy; besides the final chapter of Lost Legacy, these games were far more consistent beauties than their PS3 counterparts at the time despite the size/complexities of the set pieces. Horizon Zero Dawn doesn't seem like a game that could have ran as seamlessly as it did had it been released last gen.
  6. Agreed on the last part, but I get what b_m is saying. With the amount of people unemployed and and GOP Senators in Utah and Alaska voting yes, I don't see anything they had to lose. I really don't think rural dudes in WV oppose paid sick leave after they're unemployed. Trump's signing the bills: I don't think they have to protect themselves in Trump Country from voting for something Trump signed.
  7. While it stunk to hear that it's in Congress, I feel like it was an inevitability considering how the building/seats are set up. I've actually been very happy to see even guys I dislike -- Ted Cruz, for example -- self-quarantining.
  8. Shinobi on Reset: "I get there's disappointment in some of the details today (backwards compatibility) and some weaker aspects compared to Series X, but I'm positive once the public starts seeing things like price, the physical system itself, launch titles and other games coming to the platform and how great they look, this will all be a fleeting memory. It's just a waiting game now." "I'm positive once the public starts seeing things like price," "price"
  9. I just don't think it matters for us what strategy they're employing. Especially with so many of us changing what we're doing and being overwhelmed with all the COVID news, I'm just psyched we're getting next-gen info dumps, even if consoles could be delayed into next year.
  10. Florida peeps: Publix is changing its hours more. It opens at 8a, from 7a before, so employees have more time to stock shelves and do more sanitation. Having worked for Publix back in HS and college, this is probably a very good idea. It's gotta suck for customers who arrives at 7/7:30 and can't find anything. People get in as early as 4, sometimes 2, so they'll be able to get tons of product out on shelves.
  11. To those of you whose mental health -- particularly anxiety, imo -- has gotten worse over the past week, you're not alone.
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