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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Whittaker was not allowed to hold the office of Attorney General, yet it happened. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/11/whitaker-cant-take-officeand-that-helps-mueller/575770/ And that's just one example.
  2. He literally couldn't appoint some of the acting staff positions he did yet here we are.
  3. Major Producer of Hydroxychloroquine Once Paid Michael Cohen Hefty Sum for Access to Trump
  4. The designation of the Russian Imperial Movement reflects growing concerns among U.S. officials about violent white supremacists with transnational links.
  5. Canada has the only mill that makes the paper pulp necessary to make the masks so it's a truly big-brained move to block shipments of the masks to Canada.
  6. Trump’s New Economic Adviser Lawrence Kudlow Has Been Wrong About Everything for Decades
  7. I remember reading an Economist article over ten years ago about how they stuck some people claiming EM sensitivity in an MRI machine and showed them various cellphones to see what happened...their brains lit up identically to a powered up cellphone to a cellphone with the battery pulled out. Never mind that the MRI machine itself should have been causing their brains to light up if their claimed affliction was anything other than psychosomatic.
  8. Now I've had two eggs disappear after falling on weeds. One I shot off a balloon, and another I shook off a tree. Has that always been a thing?
  9. If you'd have taken a whole family than sure, but at most it's me and my girlfriend, which makes it basically break-even with movie tickets, and I don't really feel like paying movie theater to watch this at home.
  10. I've seen those but I'm concerned about storage space, as well as figuring a smaller thing should be less awkward to get water into.
  11. Don't get me wrong, I'm interested in seeing it, but as an Amazon rental, not as a $25 purchase.
  12. I don't plan on making a habit of it, but it was pretty frustrating to miss it by 15 minutes the first week I was able to do it.
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