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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Trump Considering 14-Day Quarantine for NY and Possibly NJ, CT; Cuomo Postpones NY Presidential Primary
  2. The UK government claims it failed to take part in an EU scheme for coronavirus ventilators because it didn't see the email asking it to take part
  3. Since it's basically the same message as the guillotine, I swapped it in as the image for the guillotine reaction. It's easy to swap the guillotine back in later if we want to. [edit] I renamed it to. Basically overall just better I think to edit an existing one's image and name than to do a kill/replace if they express basically the same sentiment.
  4. Besides missing the gym one of the hard parts is what to do with clothes that have been outside. It's just not practical to follow the advice to toss outside clothes in the washing machine as soon as you come inside when you only have communal coin-op laundry. I'm resorting to designated outside/shopping clothes that only get put on for going outside and which live by the front door otherwise. And on a directly related note, I'm trying to figure out what to do with laundry since shared laundry doesn't seem so great right now. Stuff that goes in the dryer seems like it should be fine since the virus should apparently be susceptible to low heat, but I hang my shirts to dry so I'm thinking maybe I should wash them in the sink for the time being.
  5. What if we give the executioner a full biohazard suit and keep everyone else out of splattering range?
  6. Have you checked that there's a valid tweet at the url? I think sometimes it does that if it managed to cache a preview before a tweet got deleted.
  7. The Trump Administration Just Canceled an Order for 80,000 Ventilators to Haggle Over the Price
  8. Why are you dumping giant piles of steel on some random dude crashing with you?
  9. As in, you can still take the standard deduction and get the $300 charitable deduction—usually you have to choose between standard deduction and itemizing to get charitable deductions. I already gave $25 to the ACLU in January, I guess I'll have to give them another $125 and the EFF $150 by the end of the year.
  10. You literally just needed someone who wouldn't go out of their way to get in the way of the experts.
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