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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. They help now because even a coal plant is more efficient than the internal combustion engine in a car, IIRC 25% vs 12.5%. But what you're burning to power the car is far from the only problem with cars.
  2. Doctors trying to avoid catching it and then spreading it around their hospital seems like a reasonable use of a mask.
  3. https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-shocking-development-for-a-new-yorker-he-can-cook-in-his-tiny-apartment-11585767610 how the fuck is this not an onion article
  4. Pretty sure I have a bunch of these at home from Costco. I'll have to get a refund once the coronavirus shit dies down, I guess.
  5. My girlfriend did an online yoga class that was broadcast via Zoom.
  6. Attackers can use Zoom to steal users’ Windows credentials with no warning
  7. Are those boxes 6 sq ft? Because there's no way they're giving enough of a buffer between people.
  8. That's what's going on with people like Trump and Gym Jordan. They've spent decades being brainwashed by Rush, Fox, etc and are now the inmates taking over the asylum.
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